
Profile Overview

Q'ira Zherul

Orion woman


Character Information

Rank & Address

Civilian Q'ira


Infiltration Specialist
Rook 5
USS Blackbird


Q’ira Zherul holds only the provisional rank of ensign. With a background in the Orion Syndicate, she first crossed paths with the crew of the Blackbird as an intelligence asset. Betrayed and cut loose by her allies in the crime organisation, Q’ira’s assistance to the Rooks proved so invaluable that Commander Cassidy kept her close once that critical mission was over, and enlisted her into the special operations unit’s ranks.

Beautiful and charming, Q’ira could not look less the part of a member of the Rooks, a first impression only exacerbated by her tendency to play the gorgeous airhead. All of this belies a keen insight of people, a talent for manipulation, and an expertise in physical and electronics infiltration, which all make her a crucial part of the team.