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Profile Overview

Artorius S'harien

Romulan Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade S'harien




Artorius was born on Virinat, a colony world, to Romulan seperatists. His father and mother working covertly in D’tan’s new reunification movement, which turned out to become a rebellion against the Tal Shiar. The ideals of independence, free thought, and democracy instilled in Artorius at an early age. After Shinzon’s rebellion decimated the Romulan senate, young Artorius was inspired to study and practice law. His elder brother and sister practicing medicine and going on to become doctor


Artorius was born on Virinat, a colony world, to Romulan seperatists. His father and mother working covertly in D’tan’s new reunification movement, which turned out to become a rebellion against the Tal Shiar. The ideals of independence, free thought, and democracy instilled in Artorius at an early age. After Shinzon’s rebellion decimated the Romulan senate, young Artorius was inspired to study and practice law. His elder brother and sister practicing medicine and going on to become doctors.

However, it was the advice from D’tan himself who advised Artorius to enlist in Starfleet. What would be seen as a bold, and extremely dangerous manouvre woud be seen from any angles from different perspectives. Nevertheless, Artotius swallowed his fear and trepidation and took the enterance exams.

Months went by without hearing anything of his results until he was contacted by a Starfleet admiral and requested a formal interview. He was admitted into Starfleet academy and served as an examplar student. Graduating at the top of his class.

His first posting was to Starbase Sierra, serving as a shuttlecraft pilot. Then being promoted to security officer. He transferred within a year and a half onboard the USS Sovereign for it’s final voyages. He was promoted to Lieutenant and assigned as a helm officer.

When the Sovereign was decomissioned, Artorius transferred to the USS Excalibur. CUrrent position as Chief Helm Officer.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2389 - 2399 Chief Helm Officer USS Excalibur
2388 - 2389 Helm Officer USS SOvereign
2387 - 2388 Security Officer Starbase Sierra
2387 Shuttlecraft Pilot Starbase SIerra