
Profile Overview

CAPT Etah Reis

Human (Hysperian) Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Captain Etah


USS Sacramento


Seir Hate


Sir Etah Obsidyn




Etah Ries is the recently appointed Captain of the California Class Vessel U.S.S. Sacramento (NCC-75580). He came up working Tactical and Security on a Manticore-class Class vessel and then cut his teeth on command as the 1st Officer of the USS Prometheus. Etah is trusted by his superiors in Star Fleet, respected by his crew, and feared by his enemies, even if he is one of those Ren faire types.


Etah is broad-shouldered and strong. He is fit, but has just a little bit of belly, evidence of how much he enjoys comically large turkey legs and tankards of mead. People who see his stern appearance, are often times unprepared for his relaxed demeanor and keen wit. He can have the regal bearing expected of the Knight of Hysperia when it’s most appropriate, but he adjusts his body language to other roles such as father figure or friend as needed.


Etah has had anger problems all his life, but as his career has progressed in Star Fleet, he learned to master those feelings and exude a sense of calm, which other people around him can feel. Being both a Knight of Hysperia and a Star Fleet Captain, he has a rigid sense of duty and honor. But he’s also approachable and grounded. He has a strategic and diplomatic mind. He didn’t study history, philosophy, and anthropology at Star Fleet Academy but has enjoyed learning these topics over the years.


Etah was born in 2359 on the Renaissance Fair planet of Hysperia. Etah was born into a powerful bloodline known as the Most Ancient and Noble House of Obsidyn. As a second son, he was not destined to become a ruling Duke, his brother would inherit the house. So he followed the path of many second sons and squired to a Knight. This was the martial path. Training under his Knight for many years (who was also his uncle), Sir Downfall Obsidyn, Etah quickly became one of the greatest duelists in a society that greatly values duelists. 

But at the age of 17 instead of getting ready for his first Hysperian command, the Queen of Hysperia ordered him to join Star Fleet, in order to extend diplomatic ties and military cooperation. Ever loyal, Etah Applied to Star Fleet Academy and passed all of his entrance exams and interviews. He left his home planet for Star Fleet Academy at the age of 18 in 2377. But not before having the sword dropped on him, Knighting him into the Most Ancient and Noble House of Obsidyn as a Knight of Hysperia. Among the halls of Hysperia he is said to have gone rieving.

At Starfleet Academy, Etah struggled with the more technical aspects of his training such as math, science, and engineering. But he excelled in the areas of tactical and command.  His instincts for strategy and leadership were apparent early on, and he gained the respect of his peers and instructors through his ability to stay calm under pressure and make decisive calls. Additionally, he became an all-Academy Saber Fencing champion in his junior and senior years.

Upon graduation from Starfleet Academy in 2381, Etah was assigned as a Tactical and Security Officer aboard the U.S.S. PHOENIX (NCC-65420-A), a Manticore-class vessel. Which gave him plenty of opportunities to develop his tactical skills. These skills he learned to apply with a sense of creativity. Over the next decade, he built a reputation as someone who was cool under pressure and could be relied on. In 2391, he was elevated to the role of Chief Security Officer. During his tenure with the senior staff, he helped the captain develop a unique use for the ship’s Combat Information Centre.

Five short years later 2396 Etah was promoted to Commander of the U.S.S. Prometheus (NCC-71201-B), namesake of the Prometheus Class. The Prometheus was a ship on the cutting edge of technology in both offensive and defensive capabilities. They benefited greatly from Etah’s background as a Senior Tactical Officer. Over the next five years, he saw some of the Federation’s toughest combat. 

Now, in 2401, at the age of 42, Etah has taken command of the U.S.S. Sacramento (NCC-75580), a California-class vessel. Etah was excited to receive his promotion orders and his assignment to the USS Sacramento but also felt disappointed that he wasn’t assigned to a front-line ship. During his most recent visit to his home world, Etah was honored with the agnomen Reis. This title symbolizes that he was riever but also a Captain (Reis was used by Ottoman Corsairs).  As Star Fleet captain, Etah continues to lead with the same sense of duty and honor that defines his knighthood.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2377 - 2381 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2381 - 2386 Security and Tactical Officer U.S.S. PHOENIX (NCC-65420-A)
2386 - 2391 Deputy Chief Security and Senior Tactical Officer U.S.S. PHOENIX (NCC-65420-A)
2386 - 2391 Chief Security and Senior Tactical Officer U.S.S. PHOENIX (NCC-65420-A)
Lieutenant Commander
2396 - 2401 First Officer U.S.S. Prometheus (NCC-71201-B)
2401 - Present Captain U.S.S. Sacramento (NCC-75580)