
Profile Overview

Luna Black

Human Cisgender Woman


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade Black


Starbase Bravo


Luna Wynette Black

5 July 2377

Setlik II


Luna is quite slight and shy and unimposing. This can lead to her being underestimated or even unnoticed. But to those who do notice her and give her a chance she can be very warm, friendly and generous. Not really suited to drama, combat or competition, Luna is at heart a gentleperson.


Luna is small of frame with pale skin, large blue eyes, long dark hair and slightly prominent front teeth. She looks younger than her years which can lead to confusion among her colleagues, sometimes reading as a Cadet. While she is not unelegant or lacking in grace, Luna doesn’t hold herself in a particularly commanding or confident manner. She is rarely seen in anything other than her Starfleet uniform, as in her mind the uniform is an easy way not to be singled out by having to choose clothes that people may form opinions on. Luna has a slight stammer when stressed and can have difficulty getting words out. Luna always has perfect nails which are painted in appealing colours and designs which change every few days. She stands at 5’2″, weighing 100lbs.



Fundamentally quite shy and a little nonplussed Luna goes about her days quietly, without ruffling feathers. She doesn’t like to draw attention to herself and while she is a capable Counselor, she is somewhat of a worrier. Luna is extremely sensitive to embarrassment or perception of failure and will go to great lengths not to engage into any situation that has a high probability of either, hence making friends and introducing herself is somewhat of a nightmare situation, her stammer not helping her cause. When engaged on a one-on-one basis and without stress she is kind, funny, a little goofy and quite insightful. She has determination and courage in measures that surprise, and a caring streak a mile long, hence the assortment of pets she keeps in her quarters. Luna is also one of the least judgemental people most will have met. Very little surprises her and people often feel comforted and drawn to her by her ability to make anyone feel calm, seen and worthy. These traits make her ideally suited for counselling.

Since graduating from the Academy Luna has come out of her shell a little bit, achieving a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade for effective Counselling work. Despite this she’s still not very happy in a crowd and generally becomes very quiet in social group situations unless addressed directly. She has more to say in work groups having the courage of her counselling success to lean on.


Luna’s hobbies include nail art, reading novels (usually at least one a week) and historical research, especially around women’s fashions. Her favourite food is Thai-style curry, her favourite drink a white wine from Setlik II called Casseus Creek which is made from grapes descended from the Northern-Italian Pigato variety. Her guilty pleasure is a Belgian Bun. She can often be found in common social spots on her ship or base reading a book and pulling one apart to munch on over the course of an hour or two’s reading.


Early Life: 2377-2395

Born on Setlik II on the Federation/Cardassian border, Luna’s childhood it was dominated by the chaos of the immediate post Dominion War period. While Setlik II did not suffer quite so badly as it’s Sister colony Setlik III, it was still a difficult time characterised by deprivation, destruction, conflict and politics.

Luna’s parents had been hoping for a boy. To them a boy would have been more useful about the rebuilding Colony, setting Luna onto the back foot since the day she was born. With two older brothers and one younger and a relatively disorganized and slightly undisciplined life for the kids on Setlik II at the time the naturally retiring Luna fell into a place of victimisation, being forcefully subdued by the other children to a point of developing a stammer which did nothing to help her situation. This led to the nickname ‘Um’ which is still a word she says a lot after having left the nickname behind many years ago. Luna retreated into books, quietly becoming the top student in her school by some margin, her face always in a PADD researching something or reading a novel. Luna endured a secure but rather joyless childhood with a few random surface friends and acquaintances until the age of sixteen when she applied for an Academy catch-up course, acing her application and moving to Earth at the earliest possible opportunity and leaving her family behind. As of 2401 Luna is still in contact with her Grandmother Beth and her younger brother Jason.

While waiting for her time at the Academy to begin Luna was able to compare notes about childhood with some acquaintances on Earth and understanding that her experience wasn’t necessarily typical she began to look into psychology and some sociology attempting to understand what had happened to her and what had led to the people in her life treating her the way that they did. This led to a major at the academy in psychology, behavioural science and counselling, the quiet one-on-one nature of the last of these suiting her well.

Starfleet: 2395-2401

Luna kept her head down at the academy, doing what she was used to but free of a chunk of the negative attention bestowed upon her on Setlik II. She passed out just above the middle of her class in 2399 and was assigned as a junior counselor aboard the Nebula class U.S.S. Hutton. Fresh From a tour on the Hutton Luna has been promoted for her good work with a few key patients including the Captain of the Hutton and has been reassigned to Starbase Bravo to broaden her horizons. Her office is part of the Counselling suite in sector hotel turquoise, adjacent to the hospital facility.


Luna’s love life hasn’t been much to write home about. Never having had a proper relationship, prospective partners thus far have found her shyness difficult and frustrating. As yet no-one has given Luna the opportunity to handle such a relationship on her own terms and in her own time.


  • Basil Black, father, born 2347
  • Jade Black, mother, born 2346
  • Anson Black, oldest brother, born 2374
  • Arthur Black, older brother, born 2376
  • Jason Black, younger brother, born 2380
  • Beth Smith, Grandmother, born 2327
  • Rita Smith, born 2319, died 2382
  • Darren Castairs, Grandfather, born 2318
  • Aiylie Castairs, Grandmother, born 2322


  • Jerry, a grey mouse. The name bears no influence from the Cartoon character, just a coincidence
  • Randal and Effie, stick insects named for Jonathan Randall (Outlander, Diana Gabaldon) and Effie Trinket (The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins)
  • Boris, a Rigilian Horned Frog named for Boris Pasternak, author of Doctor Zhivago
  • Khadgar, Geronimo and Chervil, Greek algroides (Lizards)

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2395 - 2396 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2396 - 2397 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2397 - 2398 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2398 - 2399 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2399 - 2401 Counselor U.S.S. Hutton
2401 - Present Counselor Starbase Bravo
Lieutenant Junior Grade