
Profile Overview

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James Ryan

Human Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Ryan


Commanding Officer
USS Proteus




Captain James Ryan is a seasoned and highly capable Starfleet officer with a career spanning over thirty years, and is currently in command of the USS Proteus. Known for his sharp tactical mind and meticulous planning, Ryan has carved out a reputation within Starfleet as a quiet, reliable leader who is willing to make the hard choices when necessary. His experience stretches across some of the most tumultuous periods in recent history, from the Dominion War to the Borg incursion of 2401, and his ability to adapt to complex, high-stakes situations has seen him rise through the ranks despite not seeking personal glory.

Throughout his career, Ryan has earned respect not through charisma or grand gestures, but through his consistent and decisive leadership, especially during times of crisis. His reputation is grounded in a history of success on the battlefield and in strategic operations, though some of his more controversial decisions have sparked debate within Starfleet’s higher ranks. Nevertheless, those who have served under him remain fiercely loyal, recognizing that his choices, while not always popular, are made with the survival of his crew and the success of the mission in mind.


Captain James Ryan is a man whose appearance speaks to a life of discipline, rigor, and service. Standing at 6’1” with a trim, athletic frame, his physique reflects years of commitment to keeping himself in peak condition. While not particularly imposing, there is a quiet intensity in his posture and movements, a precision that suggests a man used to being in control of difficult situations. His walk is measured, purposeful, as if always calculating the next step ahead—a trait echoed in his command style.

His hair, once a vivid reddish-blond, has begun to show the signs of his age, with streaks of silver at the temples. Still, his hair is neatly cropped in a style that conveys a no-nonsense professionalism, always well-maintained and practical for a Starfleet officer. His sharp blue-green eyes are perhaps his most distinctive feature—piercing and observant, they seem to take in every detail of his surroundings. His gaze is one of constant assessment, as though weighing not just the present moment, but also several possible futures. It’s this quiet calculation in his eyes that unsettles some, while reassuring others that they are under the command of someone who misses nothing.

His face carries the lines and weathering of years spent in high-stress situations, but it remains strong and composed. A few faint scars, remnants of past battles and conflicts, mark his otherwise fair complexion, hinting at the violence and hardship he has endured. Despite this, there is an underlying calm to his appearance, as though he has come to terms with the trials of his career and the weight of command. His smile, rare though it is, tends to be understated—more a subtle lift at the corner of his lips than a full expression of emotion, fitting his reserved demeanor.

Ryan’s uniform is always in perfect condition, a reflection of his exacting standards both for himself and for those under his command. He prefers simplicity and function over anything flashy, often avoiding the adornments or extra insignia some captains favor. The only concession he makes to personal style is a simple Starfleet command division badge pinned to his chest, a subtle reminder of his decades of service. He carries himself with the kind of quiet authority that needs no vocal affirmation; his very presence in a room commands attention without the need for loud proclamations or gestures.

His hands, strong and steady, rarely tremble, even in the most high-stress situations. Ryan’s years of experience have left him with a kind of inner stillness, which radiates outward, allowing him to remain calm and collected when those around him might falter. This steadiness—both physical and emotional—is one of his defining traits, contributing to his reputation as a captain who can navigate the stormiest of crises without losing focus.

While he has aged into his role with grace, Ryan’s appearance still carries the vitality of a man who takes his responsibilities seriously. Every aspect of his presentation, from his posture to his sharp gaze, reflects a life of dedication to Starfleet, to his crew, and to the ideals of the Federation. His overall appearance reflects a man who, though weathered by years of command, remains sharp, composed, and utterly dependable.


Captain James Ryan is known for his sharp intellect and calm, measured demeanor. His style of leadership is pragmatic, efficient, and calculated, shaped by his years of service in some of the most dangerous conflicts the Federation has faced. He is not one to waste words, but when he speaks, his crew listens. Ryan’s strategic mind allows him to anticipate problems and develop solutions well before others have even recognized the issue. His ability to think several steps ahead makes him a formidable captain, particularly in tactical engagements.

Ryan’s calm exterior conceals the weight of many difficult decisions made during his career. His actions during critical moments—such as the Dominion War and the Blood Dilithium crisis—have earned him both admiration and cautious respect among his peers. While some praise him for his ability to make the hard calls necessary to win, others remain wary of his sometimes ruthless practicality. Despite this, his crew is deeply loyal to him, knowing that while he demands excellence, he cares for their safety and well-being. He is a leader who values loyalty and competence above all else, and he is willing to take calculated risks to protect those under his command.

Ryan’s reputation is built not on widespread recognition, but on the respect of those who have served alongside him. Those who know him understand that he is a man of complex layers—part tactician, part philosopher, and entirely devoted to Starfleet. While he is not one to seek out the spotlight, the stories of his service, both heroic and dark, have spread through Starfleet, earning him a reputation as a man who can be relied upon when it truly matters.


2373–2375: USS Bellerophon (Nebula-class)

James Ryan served as a tactical officer aboard the USS Bellerophon (Nebula-class) during the Dominion War, participating in several pivotal battles, including the retaking of Deep Space Nine and the final assault on Cardassia Prime. His tactical expertise was put to the test, and his ability to remain calm and decisive in the chaos of war earned him commendations and a reputation as a rising star in Starfleet’s tactical divisions.

2376–2380: USS Minerva (Akira-class)

Following the war, Ryan was assigned to the USS Minerva, where he worked as a strategic operations officer, focusing on maintaining stability in the post-war Alpha Quadrant. His work during this time helped Starfleet manage threats posed by rogue Dominion forces, pirate groups, and other destabilizing factors in the region. He gained a reputation as a methodical planner, someone who could keep a ship running smoothly while always preparing for the next crisis.

2381–2385: USS Phoenix (Sovereign-class)

Ryan was promoted to Chief Tactical Operations Officer and Second Officer of the USS Phoenix, serving under a seasoned captain during a period of intense exploration and diplomatic outreach. During the Synth Attack on Mars in 2385, Phoenix was fortuitously docked at Earth Station McKinley, meaning Ryan was able to coordinate emergency response efforts, managing critical resources and communications during the crisis. His leadership during this event earned him recognition from Starfleet Command, further solidifying his role as a capable leader.

2386–2390: USS Titania (Luna-class)

Continuing his rise up the ladder of success, Ryan took on the role of Executive Officer aboard the USS Titania. He helped lead multiple deep-space missions and oversaw the ship’s tactical readiness during several confrontations with Klingon dissidents and Romulan refugees. His strategic acumen continued to shine, with his ability to guide the ship through dangerous situations without losing a single crew member—a fact that did not go unnoticed by Starfleet Command.

2391–2392: Starfleet Command, Strategic Planning

James Ryan spent a short but impactful period within Starfleet Command’s Strategic Planning division, advising on long-term defense strategies in response to rising tensions across the Beta and Gamma Quadrants. His work was instrumental in preparing Starfleet’s defences during their internal struggles of the 90’s.

2393–2401: USS Aeneid (Prometheus-class)

Ryan’s first command was aboard the USS Aeneid, a Prometheus-class tactical cruiser. His eight years at the helm saw him leading the ship through several major conflicts, including the Blood Dilithium crisis and the Dominion Invasion of Deneb. His handling of the ship’s encounter with the Borg, and the subsequent Underspace Crisis in 2401 cemented his reputation as a brilliant tactician, though some of the decisions he made during these crises—while effective—remain controversial within Starfleet circles. Perhaps his most controversial decision was to destroy a Starfleet vessel on Frontier Day that he believed had been infected by the Jupiter virus, but a move he had no evidence to support his claim.

2401–Present: USS Proteus (Echelon-class), Commanding Officer

Following the tragic events of recent years, the Proteus, already a symbol of strength within the fleet, now finds itself under the leadership of one of Starfleet’s most strategic and pragmatic captains. Ryan’s calculated nature and decades of experience will be tested as he navigates the fallout of recent galactic events.