
Profile Overview

Jarion Maive

Bajoran Woman


Character Information

Rank & Address

Petty Officer Jarion


Tactical Specialist
Rook 3
USS Blackbird


Petty Officer Jarion Maive is the tactical specialist on the USS Blackbird and part of its team of operators. With a service record shrouded by security clearances, her history is something of an enigma even to the Blackbird’s command staff. Her terse manner, showing flashes of bite only for sardonic commentary, do not help bring her closer to those with whom she works. Nevertheless, as well as being an excellent operator skilled with a variety of weapons and at multiple forms of infiltration, Jarion is one of the best people to have next to you in a pinch: level-headed, highly effective, and with a streak of dogged loyalty that belies her dour nature.