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Profile Overview

Julius Woodard

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Rear Admiral Woodard




Graduated Starfleet Academy at the age of 21 with the rank of Ensign. Assigned as operations officer aboard the USS Roosevelt. During second year promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade, put in for a senior officer position within the fleet and assigned to the USS Victory as their Chief Operations Officer. Served aboard the Victory with Geordi LaForge, and continued to serve in the Chief Ops position until promoted to the Victory’s First Officer. After his service on the Victory he went on to command the USS Hornet during the Klingon/Federation War. Then in 2378 he took command of the USS Alpino and commanded her until 2386 for which he was promoted to Rear Admiral of Starbase 11 as Operations Manager. Then in 2389 was promoted to Executive Officer of Task Force 72.


Starfleet Academy: 2352-2356: Graduated 25 out 315. Rank upon graduation: Ensign

USS  Roosevelt NCC-2573: (2356-2358):Excelsior class: Operations Officer
Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade: 2358
Transferred to USS Victory as Chief Operations Officer 2358
USS Victory NCC-9754: Constellation Class: Chief Operations Officer (2358-2370)
Promoted to Lieutenant 2360
Promoted to Lieutenant Commander 2364
Reassigned to Executive Officer 2366
Promoted to Commander 2367

Transferred to USS Hornet NCC-45231
USS Hornet NCC-45231: Renaissance Class:Executive Officer (2370-2371)

Promoted to the rank of Captain 2371

USS Hornet NCC-45231: Renaissance Class: Commanding Officer:(2371-2378)
*Participated in Klingon/Federation War
*Participated in Dominion War

USS Alpino NCC-81446: Intrepid Class: Commanding Officer (2378-2387)
Promoted to Rear Admiral Lower Half: 2386
Assigned as Sector Operations: Sector 21: 2386-2389
Office: Starbase 2157

Promoted to Rear Admiral Upper Half
Assigned as Executive Officer: Sector 72: 2389-Present
Office: Starbase 72

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2356 - 2358 Operations Officer USS Roosevelt NCC-2573
2358 - 2360 Operations Officer USS Roosevelt NCC-2573
2356 - 2360 Chief Operations Officer USS Victory NCC-9794
2360 - 2364 Chief Operations Officer USS Victory NCC-9794
2364 - 2366 Chief Operations Officer/Second Officer USS Victory NCC-9794
2366 - 2370 Executive Officer USS Victory NCC-9794
2370 - 2371 Executive Officer USS Hornet NCC-45231
2371 - 2378 Commanding Officer USS Hornet NCC-45231
2378 - 2386 Commanding Officer USS Alpino NCC-78446
2387 - 2389 Sector Operations Starbase 11
2389 Task Force Executive Officer Starbase 72
2389 - Present Task Force Commanding Officer Starbase 72