
Profile Overview

Ian MacLaine

Human Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander MacLaine


Commanding Officer
USS Morro Bay


Ian MacLaine


Inverness, Scotland, Earth


Born in Scotland in 2369 on Earth, Ian grew up throwing himself into learning at an early age, and decided to join Starfleet as a young child.  His uncle was a starfleet officer and eventually Captain of an Intrepid Class ship.  Ian was fascinated by the scientific and diplomatic missions of Starfleet and entered the academy a year early on the recommendation of his headmaster and accelerated learning approach through early education.


After graduation, Ian was assigned to various ships of the line, and eventually 2nd officer of the Odyssey class USS Challenger in Bravo Fleet.  After serving for a year, he was offered XO of the California Class USS Morro Bay and the following year was named it’s CO and promoted to the rank of Commander.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2387 - 2390 Cadet Starfleet Academy Earth
2391 - Present Pilot USS Challenger