
Profile Overview

William Bishop

human male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Bishop


Head of Science Department
USS Truckee


William Darius Bishop




William Bishop is a socially-inept astrophysicist who believes there’s no higher calling than analyzing stellar phenomena. With no interest in any of StarFleet’s mandates besides exploration, he joined with the singular goal of being the first to see as many nebulae and spacial distortions as possible.


Bishop is very kind and friendly, though he has far from mastered the social arts. He will rarely initiate conversation, but will very happily interact once others have engaged. Eager to share what he has learned, he will take mentees under his wing without protest. He has no desire to command, and will likely never progress past his current rank of lieutenant commander. Despite being willing to teach, Bishop has passed up numerous openings at Starfleet Academy, preferring to simply bounce from ship to ship, allowing him to continue building his database of unusual scientific discoveries.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2400 - Present Head of Science Division USS Truckee
Lieutenant Commander