
Profile Overview

Diego Pineda

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Civilian Pineda


SS Aventuras, Freighter Captain
Eos Station




Diego Ignacio Pineda


San Juan, Puerto Rico, Earth.


Diego’s career began in the Federation as a Security Officer alongside his cousin, Lucia Pineda. Rising to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, Diego grew disillusioned with the Federation’s isolationist stance. After resigning his commission, he christened an aging Groumall-class Cardassian freighter as the SS Aventuras. Determined to chart his own course, Diego adopted a motto inspired by the Ferengi: ‘The riskier the road, the greater the profit.'”


  • Height: 5’10” (177 cm)
  • Weight: Approximately 170 lbs (77 kg)
  • Hair Color: Dark brown, slightly graying at the temples
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Skin Tone: Olive complexion

Appearance Summary:

Diego Pineda’s rugged appearance tells the story of a life spent navigating the cosmos. His dark brown hair, streaked with gray, hints at the many adventures and trials he’s faced. With sharp, thoughtful brown eyes that carry the weight of his past as a Federation Security Officer, he now commands a freighter with a calm yet intense presence. His athletic build, softened by age, reflects a life of action balanced with practicality. His strong, angular features often display a calm, confident expression, though his smile can quickly shift to a determined scowl when needed. Dressed in well-worn, practical clothing, Diego moves with a relaxed authority, embodying both the grit and grace of someone who has spent years among the stars.