
Profile Overview


Vulcan male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Chief Petty Officer L'rake


Transporter Chief
USS Truckee





Chief Petty Officer L’rake is a bit of an odd duck, for a Vulcan. Having eschewed the suppression that is the hallmark of his species, L’rake embraces his emotions and shares them freely. His parents believe this is directly responsible for his other, wildly unpopular decision: he enlisted in Starfleet without pursuing a degree. Having served on various starbases and starships for 16 years now, he has climbed the ranks to Chief Petty Officer. CO after CO has attempted to convince him to apply to Starfleet Academy, but L’rake refuses. He enjoys the exact mix of freedom and responsibility he currently enjoys as a senior enlisted on a starship.


L’rake is young, for a Vulcan, and his boyish face doesn’t help the matter. L’rake keeps his silver hair in a bowl cut to appease his mother. His eyes are a deep green, and he shaves twice a day to ensure no facial hair could possibly gain a foothold on his face. He is small in frame-a hair’s breadth from malnourished-and his doctor perpetually has to remind him to eat.


L’rake is joyous and curious. He freely expresses emotion. L’rake has little ambition, much to his parents’ chagrin. His promotion through the enlisted ranks has surprised even L’rake, as he makes no effort to stand out. He simply does his job competently, in order to be left to his own devices off duty. He would despise the responsibility of being known as a miracle worker. All that being said, L’rake is most certainly not lazy, and will complete any task assigned to him in its fullest.