
Profile Overview

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Alfred Rhoska


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Rhoska


Theta Squad - Science
USS Daedalus


A veteran of several decades of civilian service Rhoska has reactivated his Starfleet commission following the tragedies of 2401. This does however mean that the 65 year old man is much older than his peers, some of the fresh-faced ensigns could be his grandkids, which he never fails to remind them. He doesn’t mind though, he’d rather be doing something useful with his own hands than find himself at a desk instructing others. Behind his gruff exterior and constant complaining about his joints is a keen and astute mind which contains a wealth of practical experience, having spent almost 30 years working with colonial services establishing frontier colonies across the federation. Starfleet offered him a higher rank to reflect his experience when he reactivated but he was happy to keep his double pips, preferring to serve on the ground, where “all the exciting stuff is”.


Cresting 60 years, Rhoska has lived a busy life, and his body shows it. His tan skin hosts a fair number of wrinkles, laugh lines and frown marks which tell a multitude of stories of hard work, service and a fair number of failed experiments. His short hair is generally well-kept, as is his beard, a feature he hasn’t been seen without for over 4 decades.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2401 - Present Theta Squad - Science Specialist USS Daedalus
2369 - 2401 Scientific Advisor Federation Colonial Service
2366 - 2369 Science Support Officer USS Binnington
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2364 - 2366 Science Operations USS Frobisher
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2362 - 2364 Research Support USS Frobisher