
Profile Overview

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Shani Oscuri

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Shani


Theta Squad - XO
USS Daedalus


Shani is a walking library, her technical knowledge is seemingly never-ending, she devours new information and is often found disassembling devices whilst to the dulcet tones of the ships computer reciting an obscure research paper. This vast knowledge base has lead to her placement as Theta Squad’s XO where they face the unexpected at every turn. Unfortunately her social skills weren’t on the assigned reading and Shani is usually considered brusque and lacking in subtlety by her colleagues. Her teammates on theta squad are quickly realising, however, that beneath the matter-of-fact, analytical exterior is a young woman with good intentions and an invaluable knowledge base. Now they just have to get her to make a joke.


Noticeable from a distance by her crown of shock white hair, Shani is quite small by comparison to her colleagues, her hair adding several vital inches. Her slim body belies her muscular physique as she is regularly in the ship’s gym, finding exercise an excellent accompaniment to her ongoing research.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2401 - Present Theta Squad - XO USS Daedalus
2398 - 2401 Quartermaster USS Lyra
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2396 - 2398 Engineering Support USS Lyra
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2394 - 2396 Service Technician Starbase 72