
Profile Overview

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Indira Sehgali

Human Woman

Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Sehgal


USS Daedalus


Indira Riskatani Sehgal



More than one fresh-faced ensign has accidently called Indira mother, and when they do she can’t help but smile. Whether it’s over a stove in the galley, mixing up some delicious laddu to hand out near the junior quarters or in one of the multi-use spaces trading tips with other crew members in the sewing circle; Indira believes that the strength of a crew is in its shared history. One of 8 siblings, Indira grew up on a large farming planet in the federation core and daily witnessed the value of family ties, she carries this forward into her service life, seeking to instil a strong communal and familial spirit in her crews, regardless of how temporary their assignments may be. Whilst some assume this means Indira might falter when the stakes are high, nothing can be further from the truth, for every crew member is family to her and no one messes with family.


Indira’s family retains a strong Indian heritage and can reportedly chart it back to the Rajas of Earth’s 18th century (though she has yet to see any proof to back up her father’s claims). She stands at 5’11” and is most often seen with her dark black hair hastily ruched into a clip, wild and unruly strands forming a halo around her head. At first glance, it’s easy to confuse her outwardly messy appearance as a sign of her inner chaos, but on closer inspection, every aspect is a choice, to make you feel more at ease as she slides a sweet treat across the table.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2401 - Present XO - First Officer USS Daedalus
2400 - 2401 XO - First Officer USS Laos
2395 - 2400 Away Team Management - Logistics USS Laos
Lieutenant Commander
2393 - 2395 Away Team Lead - Logistics USS Credence
2391 - 2392 Away Team Support - Logistics USS Credence
2387 - 2391 Cadet - Command Track Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade