
Profile Overview

Ava Amanin

Virellan (Sector 9) Genderfluid


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Amanin


Commanding Officer
USS Harmony


Ava Amanin

January 5, 2361

Liberty, Republic of Virella


Ava, as a member of the Virellan species with a set of rare genetic anomalies that allow for shapeshifting and telepathy, is a shapeshifter and as such can modify her physical appearance if she so desires. While not as far-reaching as other species, her shapeshifting allows her to take any average humanoid form and especially allows major shifting of her face and head. Considering the general attitude towards shapeshifters and the comfort of other people she does not use this ability often and in normal life only uses it to hide the red crystal-like feature on her forehead that all Virellans share. She is a blonde petite woman of average height and weight. One would be a fool to let her chosen image make them think that she cannot hold her own in a fight with punching well above one’s weight class also being common for the species.