Marcus Alexander Thompson, known as Max, is a talented and ambitious young engineer stationed at Eos Station. At 29, Max has already made a name for himself as the Assistant Chief of Engineering, a remarkable achievement for someone so early in their career. His knack for fixing complex systems and his innovative approach to engineering problems have earned him the respect of his colleagues. Despite his youth, Max is known for his reliability and the enthusiasm he brings to every challenge, blending his natural curiosity with a strong work ethic.
- Height: 6’0″ (183 cm)
- Weight: 185 lbs (84 kg)
- Hair Color: Dark Brown
- Eye Color: Blue
Max stands tall with an athletic build. His dark brown hair is always neatly styled, while his clear blue eyes give a hint of a playing soul. Max’s confident stride and engaging smile reflect his positive attitude and his dedication to his work. His Starfleet uniform fits him well, showcasing his attention to detail and his pride in his role at Eos Station.
Service Record
Date | Position | Posting | Rank |
2390 - 2394 | Cadet | Starfleet Academy, Earth |
Cadet |
2394 - 2398 | Junior Engineer | Eos Station (DS-108) |
Ensign |
2398 - 2401 | Engineering Officer | Eos Station (DS-108) |
Lieutenant Junior Grade |
2401 - Present | Assistant Engineering Officer | Eos Station (DS-108) |
Lieutenant Junior Grade |