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Profile Overview

Hadda Herrick

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Herrick




Haddavia Herrick



Assigned to represent Starfleet Intelligence’s interest in the rising Deloria Cartel and it’s activities, the primary role they play is in providing the intelligence updates and briefs on the Cartel and its activities to the Task Force Commanding Officer.


Earth born, Haddavia typically had a mind for seeing trends and patterns growing up.  This would help her with dealing with many a personal trouble, but it proved to be a valuable skill when she entered the Starfleet Academy, originally for a command track, only to be pointed to Intelligence, and how her innate skill-set would make her a capable analyst.  While she didn’t have any specific field of interest within the skill set, her open-minded view of things led her to be assigned to the Starbase Tuiq ‘issue’ once it was learned that the Deloria Cartel had managed to gain an actual colony world, expanding it’s operations beyond it’s little starbase inside the Triangle.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2377 - 2378 Student Freshman Course
2378 - 2379 Student Sophomore Course - Intelligence Branch
2379 - 2380 Student Junior Course - Intelligence Branch, Analyst
2380 - 2381 Student Senior Course - Intelligence Branch, Analyst
2381 - 2382 Analyst Starfleet Intelligence Headquarters
2383 - 2386 Analyst Starfleet Intelligence Headquarters
2386 - Present Analyst Providence Fleet Yards