
Profile Overview

Enna Mabon

Elaysian Cisgender Woman


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade Mabon


Science Officer
USS Callisto (Archive)


Enna Mabon


Karthis, Gemworld (Elaysia)


Enna Mabon currently serves as Astrometrics Officer aboard the Cupertino. She tends to focus on her work rather than interpersonal connections, and her best friend is a fish. The driving force behind her Starfleet career is spite, and her goal is to prove the people who told her that she couldn’t do it, wrong.


Despite regular exercise to retain her muscle mass, Enna is comparatively thin, and very rarely seen outside her wheelchair, even though a customised Lieber exoskeleton is available to her. She puts a lot of effort into her appearance, and has a tendency to push the boundaries set by Starfleet regulations. Enna’s long, white blonde hair is usually put into an elaborate braid, and make-up used to underline her violet eyes. Still, to most other species her most distinctive feature are the typical Elysian markings on her forehead.


Enna is quiet and driven. It doesn’t mean that she dislikes people or is not interested in making friends, but believes that she has to work twice as hard as others do to get where they want to be – because they can move in their ‘normal’ gravity. She enjoys reading and music, and has an interest in aquatic lifeforms. Her pride and joy is a large aquarium in her quarters.


Born as the second of two daughters to a comparatively wealthy couple, Enna grew up in a protected environment. Her family’s business concentrated on elaborate and costly jewellery that reached customers far beyond their homeworld. For a long time, Enna’s goal was to follow that long-standing family tradition, but rather than working towards it, she took a future position in the business for granted, and concentrated on what was fun rather than her education.

That changed when she met a group of visiting Starfleet Officers who were enjoying their shore leave, and connected with her older sister but regarded Enna as immature and less intelligent. It was the first time Enna had been confronted with someone obviously not thinking of her as worthwhile, and that moment stuck with her.

She redirected her focus to studying and became fiercely competitive, finishing top of her class. Enna had many career options open to her, but wanted to go to Starfleet – something her family, teachers, and friends discouraged vehemently.

Once more, Enna decided to provide them wrong. She entered Starfleet Academy, and finished her science courses four years later before being assigned to the USS Cupertino, where she first served in Sensor Operations, and then moved on to Astrometrics.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2400 - 2401 Science Officer (Astrometrics) USS Cupertino
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2398 - 2400 Science Officer (Sensor Operations) USS Cupertino
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2396 - 2398 Science Officer (Sensor Operations) USS Cupertino