
Profile Overview


Orion/Vulcan hybrid male


Character Information




Ksivi-Sava is an Orion-Human hybrid, spawn of an independent mining community. Disenchanted and perpetually nervous, he hopes to find some purpose in Starfleet.


– Born and raised on civilian mining tug SS Winter Refuge, a mixed-citizenry community of individuals who sought to achieve technological self-sustenance and evade conflict during an era of emerging threats to the Alpha Quadrant. Childhood and youth largely spent on Winter Refuge outside Federation space, far from major population centres and war theatres. Received general education and unofficial training in narrow scientific fields appertaining to gas planet mining operations.

– 2393: Recognition of education equivalent to matriculation standard via subspace exam.

– 2394: Recognition of civilian pilot’s license during layover in Federation space. Examiner’s notice: Previous unlicensed operation of gas mining shuttles (“skimmers”) by examinee seems evident, but likely occurred outside Federation jurisdiction.

– 2394-2395 (officially): Transatmospheric gas mining pilot, shuttle complement of SS Winter Refuge.

– 2395: Departed Winter Refuge for Federation core, following increasing discord within the community on desired level of autonomy and alignment with Federation values.

– 2396: Joined Starfleet Academy. Major subject: Science (Physics/Meteorology); minor subject: Helm/Navigation

– 2400: Graduation & promotion to Ensign