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Profile Overview

Alex Jordan

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Jordan


Alejandra Maria Jordan



Character Information
Gender Female
Species Human
Age 37

Physical Appearance
Height 170 cm
Weight 57 kg
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description elegant movements, soft and gentle speech, a smile always in her mouth

Spouse none
Children Anabel (21)
Father Anthony (deceased)
Mother Sara (58)
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits
Strengths problem-solving, determination, loyalty,
Weaknesses being over-competitive, emotional repression, stubborned, overwork, Letting someone down.
Hobbies & Interests Cooking, Tai-Chi
Languages standard, vulcan


Personal History

Alex was born in a small colony near the outer edge of the Federation. During her first years of life until she was 16, she was not a good student. She was very intelligent, but lazy and procrastinating. She spent most of her time having fun and did not focus on anything.

At the age of 16 she became pregnant and realized all the waste of time those years had been,. Although her grades were mediocre, she managed to enter Starfleet at the age of 19.

Her parents moved to Earth to take care of Anabel, her daughter, so she could be as close to her as possible. A year later her father died.

Service Record

Star Fleet Academy Record:
Major: Engineering
Minor: Operations
Class rank: Top 25%
Reprimand: A few
Athletics: Top 40%
Extracurricular activities:

Service Record/History
19-2378: Entered Starfleet Academy
23-2382 Promoted Ensign. Posted San Francisco Fleet Yards
25-2384: Promoted Ltjg. Posted USS FLORIDA
27-2386: Promoted LT. Posted USS GRANADA
29-2389:Posted USS EXCALIBUR

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2389 - Present Chief of Operations USS EXCALIBUR