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Profile Overview


Half Vulcan/Half Betazoid Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade Sikat




An aspiring officer with few personal connections BOrn on Betazoid and raised their until he was a young child He moved to Vulcan and then finally off the planet and to Starfleet academy where he proceeded torugh to preform above average, his potential tempered by his


Sikat spent his early years on Betazed though as he grew older and began to interact with others in large numbers he began to grow more and more violent. Not lashing out at people, but unable to control his impulses. His mother tried to help him learn to control his emotions but it was too hard for him on a planet were so many emotions fluttered into his mind. At only to he moved to Vulcan to begin learning ho to control and repress his emotions. At first he found it very hard, struggling to fit in there. Not long after he moved back to Vulcan the ship that his father was on had a warp drive malfunction. The result of it was unknown, but the ship was never found again. His mother left alone sought out employment on Vulcan and found herself a consultant for Inter-species relationships. Not terribly different from the position that she had on Betazed, one in which she had met His father through. He knew that he had a half sister on Betazed, but not much at all about her. It seemed his mother was caused tumult by thinking of her, so hat he knows is only her name, that she is about 5 years his elder, and still lives on Betazed.

Sikat spent a good deal of time learning on Vulcan though when it came time to enter higher academies, he decided to leave Vulcan and try another location. After a short stay on Betazed he decided that he would try another place. What he had learned to control his emotions so at odds with the culture there he found it difficult to coexist. Moving to earth he enrolled in Starfleet Academy and found that it was an excellent place. Many were learning discipline for the first time and learning from them learning he was able to find other ways to discipline his mind. Excelling in applied strategy and mathematics courses. Classes that he struggled in were few, but he did often have a great number of problems with social relations that disrupted any kind of extra curricular success.

Finished his time the academy in 2364, he was assigned to the USS sentinel as a cadet where he worked and preformed adequately, graduating with the rank of Ensign and being reassigned to the USS Akagi. He found that he had shoes to fill. He preformed adequately, and it was here that he learned that simply doing so would not be enough to advance further. Here the ships counselor, noting his reduced performance in tense situations, suggested to him a new kind of therapy, one that might help him better understand his own troubles. Even after leaving the Akagi he would continue to preform the exercises given him by the counselor.

With the beginning of the dominion war, many were reassigned and Sikat was no exception. Assigned to the larger and more prestigious Magellan, he continued to serve in his roll. Here he experienced something new in his Andorian Commanding officer, one that pushed against his logic and strove to expand his interpersonal skills in a manner that would leave him more appealing as a candidate for promotion. Sure enough after Operation Return, he found her promoted, and himself as well. Her position open, and precious few ships available for assignment he was elevated at first on a temporary basis to the position of Assistant Chief Tac Officer. He found the additional responsibilities of his new position to be engaging and allowed for an exploration of personal development that had not been available to him previously.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2364 - 2368 Tactical Officer USS Sentinel
2368 - 2373 USS Akagi Tactical Officer
2373 - 2374 USS Magellan Tactical Officer
2374 - 2389 Assistant Chief Tactical Officer USS Magellan
2389 USS Devonshire Chief Tactical Officer