
Profile Overview

Albert Chadwick

Terran/Caitain Hybrid Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign Chadwick


Albert Edward Chadwick

Juluy 9th 2378

Starship Horizon


Personality & Traits
General Overview A reserved Boy Albert is often quiet when meeting new people for the first time. His half human half caitian appearance often stuns most who have never seen him before.
Strengths & Weaknesses His strengths lie in his engineering skills. A born craftsman Albert is most at home in the bowels of a starship.
Ambitions He desires to be a chief engineer one day.
Hobbies & Interests Holonovels and ancient earth west history.


Albert is tall with a head of sandy blonde hair and has what some would call severe features on his face. His Caitian physiology has presented itself through his particularly sharp teeth, his feline like nose and forehead.


A reserved Boy Albert is often quiet when meeting new people for the first time. His half human half caitian appearance often stuns most who have never seen him before.
He has worked over the years to overcome this shyness. A gifted engineer Albert often grows very excited when presented with a problem and will work tirelessly to fix it.


Personal History A typical Starfleet brat, Albert was born to Commander Alexander Chadwick and Admiral Jackie Clawson. Albert grew up and came of age on his mothers command the Starship Horizon. His passion for engineering lead him to apply to the academy at 18. It was there he met his best friend. The trouble Bryan Davies. With his encouragement and friendship Bryan turned his life around and the two have been fast friends ever since.

Service Record2385-Starfleet Academy
2389-Present: Assigned USS