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Profile Overview

Diego Macedo

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Rear Admiral Macedo




Rear Admiral Macedo is a long standing member of Starfleet Security and ran Task Force 38 in 2388 when the Borg attacked and stranded Task Force 38 in the Delta Quadrant. Since then, he has served as an on-leave as an ambassador forging crucial relationships in the quadrant. He is also a member of the Delta Advisory Council.


Born in a small town in Brazil he grew up with his family which was quite large. Both of his parents came from a large family with many siblings. His father Elijah a Brigadier General who was assigned in Brazil to the South American Training Division and his mother Erin a Bartender who managed to catch the eyes of a number of marines. When his father retired from the Marines he settled back in Brazil in Curatiba well away from where his former Command was.

Diego was the first child born to his parents and was older by 6 years then his sister Lana who is a Commanding Officer of the USS Fayren and a Colonel. The baby of the bunch was Sylvan the brother who is now an XO of the USS Caylan. When the kids were young they traveled quite a bit with the General. When Diego reached the age of 16 he pushed himself through and managed to get himself an appointment to the Academy he was so pleased.

During his years he met his wife Calla and they eventually married and had five children of which 3 are Marines. Calla and him had worked together for years before they married she was Intel and she is back on Earth in Brazil with his family.
Throughout his years he fought in many wars. He was part of the Cardassian War where he was injured earning his first Purple Heart. He spent his years there as a fighter pilot.

After the Cardassian War, he was put on a ship where he fought against Romulans and eventually had to fight against the Borg. Where again he was injured earning his second purple heart.

During his time he moved through the ranks fairly quickly and managed to reach the rank of Captain. He was transferred back to Earth to take on a Senior Trainer position at Starfleet Academy. He taught the advanced tactics that he had learned throughout his career.

He was offered an admin post at the training facility but the Dominion had started to come out and declare war. He requested transfer to a Squadron where he would be taking on the Dominion. He was placed in charge of a grouping of 4 ships. The USS Eagle, USS Callynx, the USS Sarang, and USS Carvalho a carrier ship.

During the War he was quickly given a field promotion to Commodore and was put to defense. It didn’t take long before he was up against superior forces. He lost only the USS Callynx

He kept going through the War trying to ensure the safety of his people on the remaining three ships as well as all those in the Federation. What he didn’t realize was that he was making a dent in some of the dominion forces and even changing the tide of some battles. His Tactics couldn’t be disputed and numerous times he risked his life as well as those under his command to achieve the end goals that were so necessary.

After the War was over his rank was removed as there was no real position for the Commodore. He wasn’t upset or shocked by this but knew that his time could easily fruition and rise through the ranks.

It was quite some time afterwards and he was on an extended leave to heal up his damaged mind and body from all of the wars he had fought in. It was then that they approached him again and informed him he had a new assignment to train more cadets again this time at Starfleet Academy. He was promoted to Commodore.

He kept himself in the eye of the Senior Instructor and curriculum designer for Tactics and was in line to replace him. It then came along that the Delta Quadrant was in need of his services. He was placed on the USS Carnegie and was shipped off to the Delta Quadrant.

A few months later he was contacted by the President and the Chief of Starfleet Naval operations and asked to take control of all forces in the Delta Quadrant as the Task Force Commanding Officer.


While his career has spanned a number of decades he still thinks there is more to what he can do. Going through the motions just isn’t for him, he is action incarnate

Cadets — Went and studied at Starfleet Academy where he took some of the most advanced courses over the 4 years he was there.

Academy — He then started in at the Academy and pushed himself to learning whatever he could including operations, security and Tactical, Intelligence, Piloting and Helm, as well as Command. He spent most of his time doing Security and piloting he loved flying especially shuttles and fighters.

USS Malistaire — his first assignment was on the USS Malistaire as a standard operations officer. He served with little distinction as he was very young. His first tour lasted barely 2 years.

USS Pyreen — his second assignment saw him promoted to 2nd Lt and given a squadron to lead. He became one of the best fighter pilots for the USS Pyreen and was given the chance to really grow. This lasted for 4 years he was on the ship and given Chief of the Air Group and a promotion to Lt JG. When he transferred off it was with a sad heart.

USS Keltev — He transferred to Keltev during the Cardassian War. He was the XO and was rushing around during the war. He was injured in a fight with a Cardassian earning him a purple heart and the injury would keep him out of action for 3 months while he healed. When he came back his CO was injured and he became the acting CO. He transferred near the middle of the war.

USS Solarium — Just as he was leaving the Keltev he had heard that one of his closest friends in Starfleet was killed along with the trainer and Marine CO of the Solarium who had also been his mentor. He was to transfer at the XO position but when he arrived he was put in full command and received a promotion to Lt Commander. He continued to fight the Cardassians to the end of the war when Peace was finally put through. It was not a good thing for him as he still had a lot of issues with the Cardassians and because of this he needed to be away from the sector where he would be put into contact with the Cardassians.

USS Pinetree — His transfer took him to the USS Pinetree where he would spend time as the CO and trainer for one of the main training groups. He spent 6 months training there with those people only to have to leave them to head back to Earth

Annapolis — he transferred and took a position at Annapolis where he was to become the trainer for the advances tactics program. He began to think that training would be one of his life long assignments and was proud that Annapolis wanted him. He spent the better part of 3 years there earning himself the rank of Commander.

Starfleet Marine HQ — he was transferred to the Academy and put in to train as the Assistant Head of Training. He began to feel like he was really making a difference and was offered the Head of Training but the Dominion War had started so he declined the post and put in for an immediate transfer to a combat group. Promoted to Captain midway through his time at HQ

USS Eagle — CO — Captain He was offered an admin post at the training facility but the Dominion had started to come out and declare war. He requested transfer to a Squadron where he would be taking on the Dominion. He was placed in charge of a grouping of 4 ships. The USS Eagle, USS Callynx, the USS Sarang, and USS Carvalho a carrier ship.

During the War he was quickly given a field promotion to Commodore and was put to defense. It didn’t take long before he was up against superior forces. He lost only the USS Callynx

He kept going through the War trying to ensure the safety of his people on the remaining three ships as well as all those in the Federation. What he didn’t realize was that he was making a dent in some of the dominion forces and even changing the tide of some battles. His Tactics couldn’t be disputed and numerous times he risked his life as well as those under his command to achieve the end goals that were so necessary.

After the War was over his rank was removed as there was no real position for the Commodore. He wasn’t upset or shocked by this but knew that his time could easily fruition and rise through the ranks.

He went back to duty quickly but wanted to get himself into a position that could assist with the fleet wherever and whatever they needed. He was put to a Starbase as a CO in the outskirts of the known space. He kept himself in the background for a long time dealing with the politics that was needed in his chosen role. He began to get more ships built up at the spacedocks that were his main area. He pushed through training and eventually became one of the top people in that sector where he could get the work done that needed. He was rebuilding the ships lost during the wars that had happened.

He was still going through when he got the call that he was needed in the Delta Quadrant as a Commanding Officer about his old ship the USS Eagle which had been overhauled

USS Eagle — CO — Captain. He moved to the delta quadrant where he would do exploration and undercover work. His whole purpose was to travel in the USS Eagle a Concorde class starship which would be traveling among the stars and protecting the civilians and assisting those Starfleet ships in need. He has been in command of the Eagle for 3.5 years and his XO is Marine.

USS Helios– TFCO — FlagShip — he transferred and was given the opportunity for a small squadron of ships which would be sent on advanced scouting missions. During that the time that he was there he was approached by Fleet Admiral Tidwell to take on Task Force Commanding Officer in the Delta Quadrant and was given a flag ship and leap frogged from Captain to Rear Admiral

Helios Station (Colony) — Rear Admiral — During the Battle of the Round Table the saucer section and drive section separated so that some may survive the Borgs attack on the system. While the Drive Section of the USS Helios went on to crash into the Borg Sphere and take out the main Borg Ship the saucer section crash landed on Demeter. Now Helios Station (Colony) is operational.

Helios Colony — Rear Admiral (Honourary) — After the hardships that Diego had suffered he decided to step down as the Task Force Commanding Officer and put in his place Jagged Anderson. With that being done he was planning to completely retire and allow himself a life where he could be free of the burdens of rank and position. Jagged convinced him to stay on but as a special Ambassador that would help keep things functioning as the Marines led the Task Force into an age of protective might.

Wife: Calla — Commander — Intel
Son: Jacob — Captain — Marine
Son: Darin — Lt Commander — Operations
Daughter: Leonora — Lt Colonel — CAG
Daughter:Sabine — Major — Security and Tactical
Son: Sharik — Lt JG — Intel
Father: Elijah — Brigadier General — Retired
Mother : Erin — Civilian Bartender
Sister: Lana — Colonel — USS Fayren CO
Brother: Sylvan — Lt Colonel — USS Caylan XO

Multiple relatives on both sides of the family