Part of USS Denver: Mission 6: The Unlikely Alliance

A Sort of Homecoming

2374 21-September 2400
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[Planet Vulcan-Vulcan Science Academy – 900 Hours]

The Vulcan male was taller than her by two heads, and he looked severely at her. Just like when they were younger. Just like when they were younger it was a struggle not to express a desire to punch him in the nose. But such thoughts were violence, and illogical. Sibling rivalry was illogical.

”Our parents are unavailable. However I will show you the Science Academy if you wish. If know you desired to go here,” he said.

T’Val nodded, “I applied. I would have been unfulfilled if I went here. I needed something more than pure intellectual learning.“

”You look very… human in that uniform,” he replied.

It was as biting of a remark as one Vulcan could make to another. She had somehow hit a chord with him. Perhaps he too had misgivings about the purely theoretical nature of his current work. Though it was too advanced for T’Val to fully come to terms with it, she did understand that it was centuries off from being able to produce any actionable results. Besides Vulcans serving in Starfleet was common and accepted, getting snippy about it was… well illogical.

”Humans are valued allies, what they lack in logic they make up for in qualities Vulcan’s do not have in abundance. They are an important part of the Federation’s diversity,“ she said. 

He did not press the point. They were at war, even the most isolationist Vulcan would concede that they could not survive the Dominion assault on their own. Her brother was pompous but not an isolationist and not a fool.

“Security though,” he said.

”Yes,” T’Val said.

”You have a degree from an advanced Vulcan educational institute. Certainly the sciences would be a more logical use of your skills,” he said.

”We are physically stronger, faster, and more durable than humans. We are at war. The universe has little need of my knowledge of black holes, but I can punch a Cardassian and that is a most efficient use of my time,” she said. 

“You can not punch everything in life,” he said.

”Unfortunately you are correct brother,” she agreed.

”I have been reading statistical analysis on the life expectancy of Starfleet officers. It is trending downward,” he said.

”You are correct. I have factored that into my career decisions,” she admitted, knowing that this was how he was telling her that he cared for her. Another species might have hugged but instead they stopped to study a statue. It’s form was pleasing to the eye.

”Will you come to see us for dinner,” he asked, “Mother and father’s research is fascinating. They can best explain it.”

”Perhaps another night, I have duties,” T’Val said, “Besides Mother and Father find it taxing explaining things to me. I am not the daughter that they wished me to be. Mother in particular found my decision to attend Starfleet Academy a waste of resources.”

“Of course. I would not ask you to neglect them to focus on social engagements. Such a course would be illogical,” he said.

She nodded in acknowledgment of his statement. 

“I read your paper. It’s scope is beyond my understanding but it is clear that if your work is not immediately changing the world today, it will in the future. You should find satisfaction in your achievements,” T’Val said, trying to tell him that she cared for him too.

He nodded in acknowledgment of her statement.

”I am more capable of patience than you have proven to be, but such a wait is taxing,” he admitted.

”My human co-workers tell their siblings they love each other,” T’Val said, “As a sign of affection.”

”They are a strange illogical species,” he said.

T’Val nodded, ”Yes, they can be.”

”Live long and prosper sister,” he said.

”Peace and long life brother.”

[ USS Denver -Gymnasium -940 Hours] 

Stepping back she exited the Vulcan Science Academy and then once a respectful distance away from the entrance tapped her communication badge and beamed back to the Denver. Two hours from her shift T’Val immediately went to the gymnasium to hit things, even though the interaction had been the most pleasant one that the had had with her bother for in over a decade.

It was not the case that emotions and Vulcans did not mix, it was just that Vulcans kept them sublimated and redirected them. Or T’Val was not a good Vulcan, she had never been sure which. Her family made her feel small and at times angry and while she no longer yelled or punched anyone she did like hitting things even though it was illogical. 

Hopefully nobody put together her recent visit to her home world with her working out. Being seen as cold and logical had its uses and she did not want to be responsible for humans learning that Vulcans really had feelings. Just differently.

The punching bag made a satisfying thunk noise as her padded fists hit it. She went for speed, working on strengthening her arms. When your enemy could look like anyone, you could not rely on being near a phaser when they approached for it would be strategic and logical for them to get in close and take advantage of trust. 




T’Val eventually stopped. Had a sonic shower and prepared for duty. It would not be logical to be late.


  • Great little post introducing your character

    September 6, 2023
  • I'm both intrigued and intimidated by T'Val. Sibling relationships are hard even when you can (not ethically, but physically) punch them. (not advocating for violence). Excited to see where this goes and how this Vulcan deals with war.

    September 6, 2023
  • I'm both intrigued and intimidated by T'Val. Sibling relationships are hard even when you can (not ethically, but physically) punch them. (not advocating for violence). Excited to see where this goes and how this Vulcan deals with war.

    September 6, 2023
  • Thanks! I enjoy trying to carry on two Vulcan conversations at once. What they’re saying and what they actually mean. Also Vulcans are fun!

    September 6, 2023
  • T'Val

    Assistant Chief Tactical Officer