Part of USS Hathaway: Episode 17: A Ghost’s Trail and USS Hathaway: Season 4: Into the Expanse

Battle Induced Tedium

Stardate 24014.9
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Standing on the observation deck of Starbase 38, Captain Keziah Nazir’s gaze fixed upon the sprawling repair yards that surrounded the USS Hathaway several kilometres away. Once a pristine symbol of exploration and scientific discovery, the Sagan-class starship Hathaway now bore the visible scars of her battle with the Dominion. Its sleek and elegant exterior had been marred by the ruthless onslaught of enemy fire. The battle damage told a tale of resilience and sacrifice, a testament to the crew’s unwavering determination to protect their vessel and fulfill their mission. The Trill’s heart sank as she assessed the situation, but her determination remained steadfast. She was responsible for her crew and their vessel, and she would see them through this ordeal. It was the least she could do for them after the realisation that their previous commanding officer had not exactly been whom he said he was. They had saved her life on the deck plating of the bridge, and now she would repay them until the bitter end. That meant getting the ship functional again.

Turning to the wall-mounted display beside her, the Captain took in the full view of her ship. The starboard side of the Sagan-class starship displayed the most apparent signs of damage; deep gouges and pockmarked sections stretched across the hull, revealing the underlying duranium plating beneath. The scars varied in size and severity, some shallow and superficial, while others penetrated deep into the ship’s structure, exposing the inner framework. One particularly noticeable gash ran along the length of the primary saucer section, a jagged reminder of a direct hit that had narrowly missed a critical system. The surrounding metal was warped and twisted, evidence of the immense forces that had been unleashed upon it in an assault by three Dominion attack ships. Scorch marks and melted alloys adorned the damaged areas, attestation to the intense power generated by the polar on-based weapons of their enemy.

The lower starboard nacelle, which housed a quarter of the ship’s warp coils and propulsion systems, bore its fair share of battle damage too. Several plasma conduits had been severed, their jagged ends protruding into the empty void of space. The once-smooth and gleaming surface of the nacelle was now marred by charred and blackened patches, where the heat of plasma leaks had left their mark.

Further aft, near the engineering section, the damage was much more severe. A sizable breach had torn through the outer hull, exposing the inner compartments to the unforgiving vacuum of space. Emergency force fields hummed with energy, struggling to contain the breach and preserve the ship’s internal atmosphere. Repair teams worked diligently to reinforce the compromised structure, their efforts were evident in the scaffolding and temporary bulkheads that now lined the damaged area.

As the Captain rotated the image her gaze shifted to the port side of the Sagan-class starship; signs of battle damage were still evident, although not as extensive as on the starboard side. Shallow craters and scorched sections marked the impact of enemy projectiles, serving as a reminder of the constant barrage the ship had endured. Despite the visible damage, there was an undeniable beauty in the scars that embellished the Sagan-class starship. Each wound told a story of bravery, resilience, and sacrifice. They spoke of a crew who had faced adversity head-on, braving the horrors of combat to protect their vessel and their comrades.

While the external damage was a testament to the destructive power of war, it also bore witness to the crew’s determination to rise above it. With every repaired panel and restored system, the starship stood as a symbol of their unwavering spirit and their commitment to carry on, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

As repairs continued and the wounds of battle slowly healed, the Sagan-class starship would once again embark on its mission of exploration, its battle-scarred exterior a reminder of the trials and triumphs that had shaped its journey through the cosmos.

Appearing beside her Captain, Commander Noli, the Hathaway’s first officer, made her presence known with a stifled cough. Noli was a seasoned officer, known for her level-headedness and strategic thinking, and now she was settling into her new role, she was quickly gaining a reputation for high expectations. “Captain, we have preliminary damage reports from all departments,” Noli said, her voice filled with concern. “It’s going to be a long road to recovery.”

Nazir nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. “I want a full assessment of the damage, Commander. We need to know the extent of the repairs required before we can plan our next move. I’ll leave it in your capable hands.”

Noli nodded in acknowledgement and swiftly departed to gather the department heads and compile a comprehensive report for their new commander. Meanwhile, Captain Nazir turned her attention to the turbolift, her destination clear. She needed to meet with Lieutenant Prida, the Chief Operations Officer and former engineer, and get an update on the repairs from the miracle worker’s perspective.

Entering Engineering almost ten minutes later, Nazir found Lieutenant Prida huddled with a group of engineers around the diagnostic ‘pool table’, poring over schematics and diagnostic reports. Prida was a highly skilled engineer with a reputation for efficiency and resourcefulness, but she was only there temporarily until a new chief arrived to take the place of their fallen comrade, Udal. She looked up as Nazir approached, a mixture of exhaustion and determination etched on her face.

“Captain,” Prida greeted her, her voice tinged with weariness. “We’ve been working around the clock to assess the damage and prioritize repairs. The warp drive took a direct hit, and our plasma injectors are in dire need of repair. It’s going to be a complex and time-consuming process, but we’re making progress.”

Nazir admired Prida’s tenacity, knowing that she was placing the safety and well-being of the crew above all else. “Lieutenant, I want an estimate on when we can get the warp drive back online. Starfleet Command wants us back in the fray as soon as possible.”

Prida nodded, a spark of determination shining in her eyes. “I understand, Captain. I assure you, we’re working as quickly as we can. But we can’t afford to cut corners. Safety is paramount, and we need to ensure the repairs are done to the highest standards.”

Nazir respected Prida’s commitment to safety, knowing that the lives of her crew depended on it. “Of course, Lieutenant. I trust your judgment. Keep me updated on your progress, and let me know if there’s anything I can do to assist.”


“Yes?” Nazir asked.

“Can you keep the yard engineers away from my engines?” Prida smirked, eliciting a chuckle from her gold-shirted comrades in arms.

“I’ll see what I can do,” the Captain nodded.

With that, the Trill left Engineering, her mind racing with thoughts of the Herculean task ahead. She knew that repairing the Hathaway would require not just technical expertise but also the support and resilience of her people, her crew. She decided to address the crew and provide an update on the repairs, aiming to boost their spirits and foster a sense of unity. Unusual, but not exactly unprecedented either.

Across the ship, in facilities ranging from the bridge to engineering, stellar cartography to the Starlight Lounge, the crew were gathered, huddled, working away on never-ending to-do lists, their faces weary but determined. Over the comm, Captain Nazir spoke to them, projecting an aura of strength and resolve through the tone of her voice. She began her address, her voice echoing through the corridors and rooms of their home.

“Crew of the mighty starship Hathaway,” she began. “In the last few weeks, we have faced adversity head-on, and we have emerged stronger than ever. Much like her people, Hathaway may bear the scars of battle, but her spirit remains unbroken. The repairs may be arduous, but I have unwavering faith in each and every one of you. Together, we will overcome this setback, rise above the difficulties we face and we will return Hathaway to the stars,” Nazir declared, her voice filled with conviction.

It didn’t matter where they were, the crew responded with resounding applause, their fatigue momentarily forgotten. The sense of unity and purpose across the ship was palpable. They were in this together, and they would see their beloved starship restored to its former glory.

Captain’s Log, Stardate 240104.1, Captain Keziah Nazir commanding.


The USS Hathaway finds itself in an unexpected state of tedium as we remain docked at Starbase 38 for much-needed repairs. While I understand the necessity of these repairs for the safety and efficiency of our ship, the prolonged period of inactivity has begun to test the patience of our crew. The once bustling halls of the Hathaway now echo with a sense of restlessness. Our crew, accustomed to the constant motion and excitement of spacefaring, find themselves confined within the limits of the starbase. While the amenities and resources provided by Starbase 38 are ample, they cannot replace the freedom and exploration that comes with being on a starship.


Commander Noli, our diligent First Officer, continues to oversee the repair efforts alongside Lieutenant Prida. Their dedication and attention to detail ensures that our ship will be restored to its optimal condition… Eventually. However, I can sense the frustration within the crew, yearning to set sail once more and resume our mission.


To mitigate the effects of this prolonged stay, I have encouraged the crew to engage in additional training exercises and simulations. This not only helps to maintain their skills and readiness but also provides a temporary respite from the monotony of our current situation. I, too, share in the restlessness that permeates the ship. As a Captain, I find myself longing for the open expanse of space and the uncharted territories that lie beyond. However, I must maintain a sense of composure and patience, understanding that these repairs are essential for the continued success of our mission and the safety of our crew.


While the repairs progress at a steady pace, I eagerly await the day when Hathaway can once again venture into the vastness of space. Until then, we must persevere through this temporary period of monotony, focusing on maintaining our skills, fostering camaraderie between personnel new and old, and preparing for the adventures that await us upon our eventual return to Deep Space 17.

Days soon turned into weeks, and the repairs on the Hathaway continued much to everyone’s chagrin. The starbase’s repair facilities buzzed with activity, as engineers and technicians worked tirelessly to bring the ship back to full operational capacity. She was, at least, free of many of the support mechanisms put in place by the yard engineers and was again operating under her own power. Lieutenant Prida, overseeing every aspect of the repairs alongside Commander Noli, ensured that progress was steady and efficient, but still, her work was being hampered by the fact she was pulling regular double shifts between engineering and her role as chief of operations. How Starfleet had yet to assign a new chief engineer was beyond everyone, even the captain, who had requested permission to appoint one, but had been told someone was on the way. It was frustrating, to say the least.

Hathaway’s corridors once again smelt and looked like new, for the most part, but they echoed with weariness as the crew navigated their way to their stations and about their business. Weeks of unrelenting conflict had taken a toll on their health and morale, and now they were stuck at a starbase, little seemed to be improving. Captain Keziah Nazir, as composed and empathetic as she was, knew that it was time to address the crew’s well-being with a new colleague, but someone keenly aware of many aboard the ship. She sought out the sharp-witted and highly knowledgeable Lieutenant Commander Zinn, the ship’s acerbic Deltan Chief Medical Officer. Zinn was known for his sarcastic sense of humour, which sometimes masked his deep compassion for his patients, or so she had been told by Commander Noli, who had previously served with Zinn aboard Santa Fe and Ulysses.

Entering Sickbay, Captain Nazir found Zinn reviewing medical reports with a raised eyebrow and a quirk of his lips.

“Commander Zinn,” the Trill nodded to her new colleague, “we need to discuss the crew’s health and morale. This shift from a constant state of war to being cooped up at a starbase with no end in sight has taken its toll on everyone. What can we do to address the situation?”

Lieutenant Commander Zinn, peering over his PADD with a sardonic grin, replied, “Ah, Captain Nazir, the hero of the hour. You finally realised that bruises and broken spirits don’t make for a happy crew?”

Captain Nazir, undeterred by Zinn’s sarcasm, responded calmly, “I’ve always prioritized the well-being of our crew, Doctor. Now more than ever, we need to address their physical and emotional needs.”

Zinn, feigning surprise, retorted, “Oh, really? I had no idea you cared so deeply. But fret not, Captain, for I have already devised a plan to tend to our ailing crew.”

Curiosity piqued, Nazir leaned in, awaiting Zinn’s proposal.

Doctor Zinn, with a twinkle in his eye, continued, “Firstly, we shall conduct regular physical assessments to ensure no one’s insides are falling apart. Can’t have our crew members spontaneously combusting, now can we?”

Captain Nazir suppressed a smile, appreciating Zinn’s unique approach. “And what about their mental well-being? We must address the emotional toll this war has taken more than we should the physical symptoms.”

Zinn, leaning back in his chair, crossed his arms and replied, “Ah, the mind, a mysterious abyss. Fear not, Captain, for we shall offer counselling sessions where crew members can unload their tales of woe and despair. I’ll even share my collection of inspirational posters with Vittoria to lighten the mood.”

The Trill chuckled, impressed by Zinn’s ability to infuse levity into a serious discussion. “I’m glad to see you taking this seriously, Lieutenant Commander. Our crew needs both the medical expertise and the wit you bring to the table.”

Zinn, feigning mock offence, replied, “Oh, Captain, I assure you, I am all seriousness wrapped in a package of sarcastic charm.”

Captain Nazir nodded, appreciating Zinn’s unique way of handling delicate matters. He was exactly as Noli, Prida and the Counsellor had described him. “Thank you, Commander. Your wit and knowledge are invaluable to our crew’s well-being. Let’s work together to ensure their health and morale are restored and they don’t go crazy stuck out here.”

The Deltan, grinning mischievously, stood up and saluted. “Fear not, Captain, for I shall wield my sarcasm like a mighty sword, battling the woes of war with every quip and jest I can summon.”

Captain Nazir laughed, a warmth spreading through her. The bond between the captain and her witty Chief Medical Officer would be forged in moments like these, when they acknowledged the struggles their crew faced and resolved to uplift them, together. If he was as genuine as he seemed, anyway.

As they ventured back to their respective duties, Captain Nazir knew that with Zinn’s knowledge, sarcasm, and compassion, they would lead their crew through the darkest of times, not only healing their bodies but also rekindling their spirits. Together, they would navigate the treacherous waters of war, with banter and empathy lighting their way.

If only they had known just how treacherous those waters were yet to become.


  • So nice to see Nazir and her two right-hand women building themselves into the very bones of their new command, especially since Nazir had a struggle integrating at first. And Zinn’s back! You can tell just by reading that you enjoy writing him. I look forward to seeing more of what he adds to the ship’s new dynamic.

    August 8, 2023