Part of USS Edinburgh: Mission 1 – What Burns in the Darkness and Bravo Fleet: Sundered Wings

The Dead and the Dying

USS Edinburgh
May 18, 2400
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USS Edinburgh – The Castle (bridge) – 1115

Harris stood in the center of the bridge with PADD in hand, reading updates from the various departments as the reality of what had occurred on the Rivax Colony.  They had entered orbit as Thasaz’s science department continued to examine the data from the continuing sensor scans while his Chief Medical Officer was finishing the process of organizing the biohazard teams.  Every piece of evidence suggested some kind of biological attack but there was uncertainty as to what specifically had been involved.

“Commander, we’ve got the files from Bravo.” His Romulan Chief Science Officer waved him over and he soon stood as she shifted the data on her display screen, “The confirmed diagnosis from their patients on a Starfleet ship was a highly modified Teplan Blight viral infection.”  She explained the effects and who it impacted as she played the highlights on the screen.  “Highly contagious and if not treated death resulted within a minimum of 72 hours.  The infection report states they came into contact with it on May 10th via a group of refugees who had been infected on their planet.”  She tapped the console and the sensor reports from the surface now played across the screen, “This is the preliminary scan showing the viral presence that we were able to identify.”  Another tap of the console and the image from Bravo displayed.  “That’s what was in play eight days ago.”  She turned to Harris, “It’s still the Teplan Blight…but in eight days they found a way to accelerate the infection and transmission to a point where the computer is estimating based on our sensor readings – death takes less than an hour.”

Harris was speechless.  What madness had taken the creators of this virus?  What darkness resided in their hearts that they would willingly craft a disease with the intent to kill as many as possible?  He found his words at last, “Is there anyone alive down there?”

She nodded, “There are some significant life sign readings here, here, and here.  Given their location I suspect those groups are underground and were spared from the initial dosing.”  She turned to him, “If we physically open those doors or whatever is keeping them safe – we run the risk of exposing them and killing them.”

“Can we transport them?”

The Science Chief wasn’t sure, “It won’t be too hard to get a lock on them, but it’ll take some work transporting them as a group.  My fear is if we do it one at a time – there’s going to be a panic and we’ll lose them the moment someone breaks whatever’s keeping them in and safe.”  She added, “There are a number of limited life signs in the colony, the industrial area  – we can pinpoint those locations for the biohazard medical team to investigate.”

“Get two of your best working with Chief Jonesey in transporter room 1 – we’re going to transport the survivors to the cargo bays.  Have them signal when they’re ready.  How many do you estimate?”  She pointed to the numbers the computer was calculating.  50 total.  He tapped his communications badge, “Commander Harris to Doctor Reid.”

A pause and she responded, =^=Reid here, go ahead.=^=  He relayed the survivor’s situation to her.  =^=Transport them to Medical Module 3 – we’ve got enough beds and staff there to do intake and examinations on those.=^=  Harris asked her when she and the teams would be ready. =^=”We’re doing final checks and suiting up.  Chief says we’ll be ready for transport in five.=^=  He wished her luck and closed the channel while advising Thasaz of the change in plans.

He walked to where his chief of security and tactical sat, “Mr. Kondo – any trace of who did this?”

Kondo tapped at the console, “There are warp signatures from Romulan ships that would align with when this attack took place, but as for identifying the specific ships in play – that is not something I can begin to connect.  I would need to see an existing reading to compare…and well…”

Harris finished it for him, “…Starfleet hasn’t been able to build a very robust database when it comes to the Romulan Navy.  Anything on long-range?”

A shake of the head, “It is strangely quiet in this sector, sir.  I would even say oddly.  My suspicion is that someone realized we were coming to lend a hand and they wished for no one to be left alive to tell us of their overlords.  Yet, given what Lieutenant Thasaz has found – they may have had to move too fast to ensure their genocide was complete.”

The CO contemplated on that for a moment, “She mentioned how fast he had expanded his control and power in the last year or so.  He didn’t trust these people to keep their mouths shut.”

A mournful sigh from Kondo, “So he shut it for them.  I do not like this Patra…and my hatred for him grows with each level of darkness we uncover.”  He grumbled, “Men like him should be shot repeatedly until they are dead.” Harris raised his eyebrows at the particular violence and the man chuckled, “Metaphorically, of course.”

“Of course, Mr. Kondo.”  He walked away from tactical and into The Tower where the science teams were scavenging through the data looking for patterns or anything that could be traced back to who had done this.  He walked from station to station examining the screens as the four officers worked silently in search of answers.  

Suddenly Ensign Fowler turned to him, “Commander, I think I’ve got something.”  He stepped to her station as she gestured to her screen, “There’s a navigational buoy just inside this sector here,” she then tapped at her console and it showed another waypoint, “…and there’s another one here at the other end.”  Another tap of the console, “If we can access the systems of the buoys, we might be able to download and then sort out what ships came through around the time of the attack. The buoy’s systems are passive so they simply record who passes by and file it away somewhere…but this might help us get some evidence.”

Ambrose gave a nod, “Take it to your chief – she may have some ideas.”  Sadie stood and went to speak with Thasaz.

Ensign Del Castillo stood at the entrance to The Tower section, “Commander, Dr. Reid and her team have been transported to the planet.  She’s hailing us.”

He followed her up the slight stars and back to his center chair, “Put her through, ensign.”

Her voice rang through the speakers, =^=Commander, we’re getting readings on the ground that are out of control.  Whoever did this meant for it to last for more than just a day…the manner of application is similar to that of a heavy impact bombing of some kind.  Soil samples are coming back highly contaminated and I have a feeling the water isn’t going to be much better.  We’re working our way through the colony buildings.  Many dead…too many.  Signs of survivors are showing up on the tricorders so we’ll update when we can.  We’ve got more scans to complete.  I’ll send images and videos for evidence and evaluation.=^=

“Stay safe, Doc.”

=^=Always, Commander.  Reid out.=^=

Harris leaned forward in his chair, “Lieutenant Thasaz – any luck with the buoys?”

She turned in her chair, “We’ve managed to get some data.  Looks like one Warbird came through and exited around the time of the attack.  It’s coming back to Patra’s fleet.  Pulling the registry data to see what else we can find.”

He shook his head.  Every turn more brutal than the last.  What was the end game?  What level would this madman take his cause?  More questions than answers.