Part of USS Valkyrie: Shore Leave December 2401

Sil and the Badger

Armory, Target Range
December 2401
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David entered the Armory’s target range to find Lt. (j.g.) Silveira looking over a phaser rifle at the firing station. It was rather dark in there currently, deep shadows looming all around. The target range was adaptable, with holoemitters able to provide a myriad of different targets and scenarios. However it appeared Silveira had opted for the classic multicolored target lights, several of which stood frozen at various points around the range like stars of yellows, blues and reds. This also explained the lowered lighting, as to facilitate seeing said lights.

David paused and studied his fellow officer for a moment. Though the poor lighting made detailed observation difficult, David could see his fellow officer was a lighter skinned Human with dark colored hair and matching beard. He also looked to be the same height as David but much slighter of build, looking to be twenty five to thirty kilos lighter.

Sil had decided to get some practice. Although the recent mission had not required real fire, he had taken the chance to fire some rounds at the phaser range.
Located near the Armory he was about to start firing when he heard someone clearing his throat and calling his name.

David cleared his throat slightly and spoke, “Lieutenant Silveira?”

Sil lowered the rifle and turned, smiling at the stranger in front of him.
He looked a little smaller but heavier built than him. Sil guessed he was one of his department crewmattes, also a Junior Grade, by the way the Lieutenant carried himself.

“The one and only! How may I help you Lieutenant?”

“I’m the new tactical officer, Lieutenant.”, David stated with a faint smile, “Just met the Captain and the Doc so now it’s your turn.”

Sil smiled, securing the phaser rifle in its safe mode and setting it down before raising his hand to the newcomer.

“A pleasure to meet you. But please drop the formalities. Call me Sil”

“Good to meet you as well, Sil. You can call me Dave or Badger, just don’t call me late for dinner.”, David then pulled a face of mock confusion, “I think that’s how that joke goes.” David then grinned.

Sil tipped his head to the fire range.

“Want to join me and take a crack at it?”

Still grinning, David replied, “Beats several alternatives I can think of.”

David moved towards the Armory doors and went inside, returning a few moments later with his own phaser rifle. David sensed the other officer was a truly friendly soul, but also knew this was a test of sorts. Taking his place at the firing range, David cracked his neck and, after getting a nod of assent from Sil, said, “Computer, start range training program from the beginning.”

The colored dots vanished for a moment and then returned from the darkness from different points throughout the range. David snapped his rifle up and engaged the blue light, a spear of orange light lancing into the darkness and striking the target. With a tight economy of movement, David adjusted his aim and struck the yellow light. The green light was next and David narrowly missed it, having not given enough lead but and the green light danced with what looked suspiciously like glee before vanishing into the dark. Then with what may or may not have been a grumbled curse David nailed the red light on his first try.

Lowering his rifle, David pulled a face, then gave Sil a wry, sidelong smile.

“Just getting my eye in, let me try that again.”

Sil was still wondering if he would call his comrade David or Badger. He hadn’t done that bad in the range, but apparently he wanted to go for the perfect score. He winked and nodded.

“Be my guest.”

Once again David told the computer to start up the program and once again, four different colored fairy lights appeared and began to dance. Four orange shots sped out in rapid succession and four fairies vanished. Lowering his rifle again David smiled, “There you see? I’m not THAT bad.”

Sil nodded and grinned at David.

“I never said you were David. Good shooting, have you done it for real”?

David’s smile took on a faintly sour tone, “Twice. First time was a boarding action. Disabled the pirate ship and boarded it. Really didn’t expect a fight but violence was chosen. My team was clearing a cargo bay and I was point. A couple of the pirates were in there stuffing their pockets like they were going to get away,” David shook his head in a sort of amused consternation, “I told them to freeze and disarm and they decided not to. Never made sense to me.”

David widened his eyes with a dramatic breath that puffed out his cheeks for a moment, “Now the second one, that….that was a bit more serious. Major raid on a large pirate stronghold on an asteroid by a nebula we called the Thieves’ Cut. Took us over three hours to kick enough sense into them for them to surrender. They got the worst of it but we lost some good people that day.”

David brightened his smile a bit forcefully, ” So how about you, Sil?”

Sil nodded, it had been a few years, but he still remembered it.

“Yeah, I did. Still prefer the target range. It’s less messy.”

David decided not to push for details, instead just nodding and then he suddenly jerked his head towards the range, “I do believe it’s your turn, Sil.”

Sil smiled. He had been practicing for a little while now, so he shrugged.
Checking the rifle he slowly brought up the phaser rifle back to his shoulder, and began controlling his breathing. After two seconds he stated the instructions

“Computer, range training program, please.”

As the targets began to appear Sil fired and hit one after one. He kept his eyes on the rifle sight and constantly scanned for the new targets, as he hit the other ones.
His aiming wasn’t perfect, but it was enough to hit the marks. At least until the last two, when he failed the shots.

“Looks like you won” he said with a wink as he secured the phaser rifle.

“This time, at least.”, Martel grinned.

Martel then cocked his head curiously to the side suddenly, “I’ve noticed that the crew make up seems to be a bit….in flux at the moment. It seems to me that currently you and I are the seniors in Tactical/Security. You’ve been here longer, how does this work?”

Sil smiled and shook his head. “Don’t ask me, I also joined recently and got tangled into a mission. Do you have a preference? I mean in Tactical or Security? You like staying on the bridge, or getting your hands dirty? I can do both.”

“So can I.”, Martel responded with an easy laugh. He gave the question some thought. While he had certainly done Security work on the Cally, he had definitely leaned more into the Tactical aspect of the job during his time there. Maybe this was an opportunity to round out his experience a bit better.

“I guess I can do some dirty work for a bit, Sil. If you’re ok with this and even more importantly, if the Captain is ok with it.”

Sil nodded, winked and shrugged. “I don’t mind sitting down. But don’t hesitate to call if there’s something you need. I am also still new here, so we can both figure it out together.”

“Sounds good to me.”, Martel grinned then stifled a yawn, “in the meantime, I’m going to take advantage of some downtime and rest, seems like the trip is catching up to me.”

Martel returned the rifle to the arms room and then, with a friendly nod and wave to Sil, made his way to his quarters.