Part of USS Valley Forge: Sanctus in Machina

The Phantom

Former DMZ, USS Valley Forge, Bridge, Deck 1
2401.12.23 / 07.30hrs
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Through the dark embrace of the void, the graceful – slender greyhound curves of the Hull of the USS Valley Forge slipped silently through the imperceptible boundary that asserted the Federation side of the former Demilitarized zone.

She truly was a beautiful vessel; her sleek lines bespoke a return to a classicism that was both as nostalgic as it was practicable. The original Excelsior starships had been a mainstay of Starfleet operations for over a century – a reliable workhorse and bulwark that provided a dependable generalist platform for the United Federation of Planets to realize some of the more workaday and routine tasks that were essential to maintaining such a vast, star – spanning, sphere of political, economic, diplomatic and security operations.

Whilst the new century brought with it a different Weltanschauung, born of an ever-evolving fabric of Galactic change – bringing with it more modern ship – types capable of meeting the demands of a Federation that was (admittedly) far from the peak it had attained in its heyday; there was a pleasing symmetry that Starfleet had chosen to take those most capable Heavy – Cruisers of that golden – era and revitalize them – overhauling and transforming them into the Excelsior II – Class.

These were the thoughts that occupied the mind of Executive Officer, Commander Daniel Talland, as he presided over Bridge Operations from the Command – chair.

The ship and her crew were well into their fifth month of Patrol and Border Interdiction duties along the former DMZ – a duty that was mostly benign and dreary – so trying to avoid a slide into introspection became the most engaging challenge, most days.

Granted, there was the occasional fission of excitement (if you could call it that) when a vessel was encountered that required a scan for illegal contraband (even with the Orion Syndicate on the ropes – the demand for all things illegal never really waned) and rarer still if an Away Team was dispatched to perform a physical customs inspection. Pirate activity was sporadic, with most raiders opting to flee to warp once they realized that the Valley Forge was an Excelsior II and not such easy pickings as first imagined.

For those that had joined Starfleet dreaming of exploring brave new worlds and engaging in acts of high adventure – worthy of the pulpiest of holo – entertainments, the more mediocre reality of patrol duty – with each day rolling into the next, was sometimes somewhat of a let – down for the younger members of the crew.

“Such is the life of a Starfleet Officer.” Daniel thought ironically as he surveyed activity aboard the Bridge.

As a seasoned, but relatively young officer himself (the events of Frontier Day had ensured that the average age of a serving Starfleet Officer was now significantly lower that it had historically been) – he knew that they work that they were doing was essential (if unglamourous) and that the most pervading enemy the crew faced was boredom born of routine and had noted that morale aboard ship fluctuated accordingly to long periods of inactivity.

“Commander?” A voice inflected with tell – tale Slavic tones interrupted his reverie and Commander Talland turn the chair to see the youthful, flat features of Ensign Kirov – the ships Operations Officer – smiling politely at him.

“Yes Ensign?” Daniel smiled and took the PADD that the young Ukrainian Officer handed him.

“Commander, I have completed the duty allocations for the next watch rotations for Alpha, Beta and Gamma Shifts. I’m afraid that I have had to cannibalize some of the Delta Shift allocations to make up for several personnel on the other shifts that have put in for sick leave or leave for personal reasons.” The OPS chief apologized.

A fastidious young man, Yevgeny felt it as a personal affront that he could not balance the books to ensure that everything was optimal.

With that in mind, Talland replied.

“Belay that Yev, keep Delta as is – Captain Hyland will be commencing her shift handover with Alpha within the hour and I’d prefer the CO keep the same personnel – inform Chief Isono that I’d like her to bring a requisite number of ECH’s online to work alongside those shifts and backfill those personnel that are out of action. I’ll speak with Dr Langah and review the requests for leave on an individual basis and approve with the good Doctor’s advice.”

“Yes, Commander.” Yevgeny nodded and made to return to the main OPS console and direct his people accordingly.

Daniel nodded as Ensign Kirov departed – an earnest young officer. Absenteeism was a sure sign of decreasing morale, as crewmembers sought to alleviate their chagrin by avoiding their duties. Talland himself had had to intervene and sink a round of scuttlebutt amongst a knot of maintenance crewmembers just the previous day. Whilst keeping hands and minds busy was one sure way to keep people out of mischief – this strategy could only be maintained for so long without backfiring and creating more fatigue – fueling the onward decline in morale.

As Executive Officer, maintaining the efficient operation of the USS Valley Forge – on the CO’s behalf- and accordingly managing the efficiency of the crew – meant that maintaining morale was a key function of his role.

“Mr. Kirov?” Daniel called as Yevgeny departed.

“Yes, Commander?” the young Ukrainian looked slightly puzzled, but ready as ever to take on orders.

“Inform the crew that, at close of shift – each watch rotation will receive an additional 1hr Holosuite credit – for use at their own discretion – subject to the successful completion of their allocated tasking being completed by shifts end.” Daniel directed.

“Da, Commander!” Yevgeny grinned – access to the USS Valley Forge’s recreational facilities was always in high demand and the XO’s concession would enliven many an off – duty crewmembers’ day. “Making it so.”

Talland nodded and settled back into the Big – chair and scanned the reports.

Here within the scrolling data, lay the complex codex of activities that represented life aboard a Starship. The endless requests for EPS power allocations (every one stridently proclaiming their importance over the other), results from the endless levels of diagnostics that were required to confirm that the ship’s systems were operating & optimal, flight control flight plans for the ship and it’s small-craft requiring approval, metrics for Replicator usage versus Biomass reclamations, Warp Core efficiency data, Cargo inventories and consumables projections, crew – rosters and social activities calendar, requests for time in the few configurable science – labs aboard.

The list was, quite literally, endless…..but at least it kept Daniel, and the crew occupied.

So, it was a moment of considerable surprise (and relief), when the Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Commander Deassomi Dai (who had been running some routine stellar cartography scans as the USS Valley Forge made way) reported.

“Commander, I’m picking up what appears to be a distress signal?”

The mood on the bridge transformed almost instantly, the body language of the members of the bridge – crew altering imperceptibly, as an actual challenge presented itself.

“Can you clarify?” Commander Talland turned to face Lieutenant Commander Dai, her black Betazoid eyes intent on the readouts from her station.

“Transmission is faint and intermittent – but it appears to be Starfleet in origin – automated distress signal on a 20 second repeat-cycle.” Deassomi inclined her bald – head as she attempted to decipher the information that the Excelsior II’s sensors were receiving.

Frowning, Daniel unconsciously gripped the handrests of the Command – chair.


There was a pause, then Lieutenant Commander Dai confirmed.

“Contact bearing 63,000 AU, Lambert Conformal Conic: center 86°W, 34°20’N, standard parallels 35°15’N, 36°25’N – just on the peripheral of our passive sensor range.”

“That’s only about a few light – years out, on our side of the DMZ border.” Daniel mused.

“Commander Dai, configure a Class 7 probe for immediate launch.” He turned to the USS Valley Forge’s Tactical Officer, Lieutenant (Jg) Danaé Doucet and ordered.

“TAC – deploy when ready – let’s get a better look at what we are dealing with here?”

Lieutenant Doucet nodded her blonde – haired head as her slim fingers re-tasked & programmed one of the Excelsior II’s forward torpedo – tubes to launch the probe and reconnoitre the sensor contact – to verify its source.

“Probe is away and tracking Commander.” The svelte young Quebecois Officer confirmed as the forward viewscreen displayed the launch and a holographic display of the probe’s course and telemetry sprang to life on the holo – display, situated in front of the Command – chair.

Daniel nodded.

“Helm, take us out of warp & come about and lay in an intercept course with the source of the distress – signal, maximum impulse.”

“Aye Sir.’ Answered Ensign Pennington, as the young Risan Helmsman deftly brough the great ship around and aligned her new course with that of the source of the signal.

“OPS, let the log show that at 07:43hrs, we have received and confirmed an automated distress – call and are diverting to investigate and give aid – in accordance with Galactic Customary Law.”

“Aye Sir.’ Yevgeny confirmed, already multitasking efficiently as he carried out the Executive Officer’s orders.

Daniel keyed the comm – channel to alert the CO.

“Bridge to Captain Hyland.”

“Hyland here, go ahead Number One.” Came the smooth reply of Samantha Hyland.

“Captain, we’ve received what appears to be a Starfleet distress signal. Automated but faint, transmitting from a nearby location on our side of the DMZ. I have launched a probe and diverted the vessel to rendezvous.” Daniel reported efficiently.

A pause, then “Very good Number One, I’m on my way to the bridge – keep me informed.”

“Aye aye, Captain, Bridge out.” Talland closed the channel and returned his attention to the holo display.

“Probe’s range to target 37,000 AU and closing. Time to contact one minute,12 seconds. Telemetry is solid.” demurred Lieutenant Commander Dai in her customary calm tones…

“Vessel is on intercept course Commander, range to target 53,000 AU and closing, ETA in three minutes and counting.” Ellis Pennington’s young voice had a note of slight excitement that he was doing well to contain.

“Ops – take the ship to Yellow Alert. TAC, raise shields” Commander Talland commanded.

“Sir?” Lieutenant Doucet raised one elegantly-pencilled eyebrow in question – there was no apparent sensor contact (other than the presumed vessel in distress) for parsecs, as far as she could see.

“Let’s err on the side of caution, Lieutenant.” The XO clarified levelly, “Let’s assume that our ship in distress is exactly what it purports to be and regret our surfeit of precaution after the fact – if it is not needed.”

“As the Commander commands, raising shields.” It was evident that Danaé did not agree with the tactical assessment, but she had the good grace and professionalism not to question the order.

“Aye Commander, sounding Yellow Alert.” Yevgeny confirmed as the lighting state aboard the bridge altered, and the Yellow Alert was sounded through the USS Valley Forge.

“All hands, this is Commander Talland. I am ordering the ship to Yellow Alert. All hands to their duty stations. We are diverting to respond to a distress signal, prepare to respond and assist SAR recovery operations. Bridge out.”

It was at this point that the Turbolift doors hissed back, and Captain Samantha Hyland strode purposefully out onto the bridge, in the process of finishing buttoning up her uniform tunic. As she approached Daniel stood to vacate the Command – chair to relinquish active command of the vessel to the CO.

Sam nodded as she took the seat and took in the small Holodisplay and asked of her XO.

“Talk to me. What are we looking at Commander?”

“Science sensors confirmed a contact at 07:43hrs Captain, appears to be running an automated distress beacon. I’ve ordered the ship to Yellow Alert. We’re about two minutes out, probe should be returning telemetry in less than 1 minute.”

“Very good Commander, I have the CONN.” Samantha nodded, her lips pursed thoughtfully as she took in the situation. Commander Talland went to stand behind one of the configurable duty stations that ringed the bridge and activated his own holo – display to assume support duties now that the Captain has assumed command.

“Science. Can you please route the comms – feed from the distress signal to my console?” Sam asked Deassomi.

“Transferring data now” Dai confirmed.

Samantha listened to the audio feed (interference now cleaned up by Lieutenant Commander Dai) and scrutinized the packet – data. Previously in her career, Sam had served as a Chief Communications Officer aboard the USS Sacramento and had an excellent ear for signal – identification.

“It’s an older code – algorithm, but it’s certainly a Starfleet signal all right,” Samantha commented as she sought to identify the origin of the signal, “It’s probable that it’s genuine, but then again, the True Way have been known to suborn older comms – traffic and use it to bait and switch their ambushes against the New Marquis.”

“That’s why I thought Yellow Alert was prudent, Captain.” Commander Talland nodded as he worked.

“Good Call, Number One. I would have made the same myself.” Captain Hyland agreed as she swiveled her command chair to regard the Chief Science Officer.

“Commander Dai, have we got anything tangible from the probe yet?” Samantha enquired.

“Aye Captain, starting to collate telemetry data now, I……no…wait one?” Deassomi’s voice wavered, uncharacteristically, and her smooth forehead rumpled into a frown.

“Science, report?” Samantha’s frown began to mirror that of her Science Officer.

“Probe reports contact with the source of the distress signal has been lost, Captain.” Lieutenant Commander Dai’s voice was redolent with confusion.

“Lost?” Samantha wondered aloud. “TAC – can you confirm, has the target been destroyed? Did she come apart?”

Lieutenant Doucet scrutinized the ships targeting sensors which, enabled by the feed of the approaching Class – 7 probe, had been able to provide a more nuanced picture of the target of the signal.

“Negative Captain – I’m reading no emissions that would be consistent with either a warp-core breach or weapons fire. There is some residual energy – readings, but the pattern – buffer is having some trouble cleaning that up. It’s a real potage.” Danaé reported in her elegant French – inflected tones.

“Noted TAC. Keep us at Yellow Alert but bring the weapons – systems online – just in case we are flying into a trap.” Sam commanded, her mind racing at the possibilities that this sudden disappearance of their target.

“Mr. Pennington, keep us on course for the last known location of the contact – but adopt a wider racetrack orbit around that position – 120 AU minimum.” Sam ordered and felt the deck tilt slightly as Ellis adjusted the course of the vessel, so as not to intersect the point where the distress signal had ceased.

“Science – what can we make of that interference?” Samantha demanded, uneasy that such a routine activity such as responding to a ship in distress might now be a subterfuge for some other action.

“Residual neutrinos indicative of a recently collapsed Gravimetric Field containment.” The USS Valley Forge’s chief scientists relayed as she surveyed the data from the probe.

“Consistent with a warp field activation.” Sam commented.

“Well, yes…. and no Captain.” There was a note on intrigue in Deassomi’s, that experience has taught Samantha – meant that the Betazoid had encountered some scientific variable that had piqued her interest.

“Could you be less specific, Commander?” Sam commented dryly.

Deassomi look up from her display, her black eyes blinking uncomprehendingly for a moment, then she realized the joke, but her keen focus left her unmoved.

“It certainly was not a warp – core implosion Captain, but there is also certain telemetry here that confound the assumption of a controlled warp – field initiation – at least within the standardly accepted norms.” The scientist sounded genuinely perplexed and intrigued now.

“Meaning?” Samantha was starting to lose patience with the idiosyncrasies of CSO’s fascination – she needed straight answers to assess the level of threat that her command may be exposed to, not a science lecture – but she held her composure for the time being.

“There is considerable background – levels of Thoron Radiation and (more interestingly) a notable downward residual decay of a negative – ionized Tachyon shell around the point of origin. Speaking professionally, that is unlike any Warp – field initiation I have ever seen and very unorthodox Captain.” Lieutenant Commander Dai explained patiently.

Samantha frowned more deeply, face with a real conundrum.

“Is it possible that the sensor data was corrupted in any way? Showing a false negative?” Samantha pondered, looking for rational explanations to the sudden disappearance of whatever had been sending the Distress Signal.

“Negative Captain.” Deassomi shook her bald – pate in dismissal. “I had a level – three diagnostic running in the background on the probe’s systems, as a back – up should the probe be lost. The data is solid.”

Samantha turned her chair to regard her Executive Officer.

“Number One? Any theories?” Sam raised an eyebrow.

Daniel Talland looked deep in contemplation, as his fine features were framed in the faint blue – light of the shimmering holo – display.

“Well, we certainly have a mystery, Captain, that much is certain.” Daniel considered through pursued lips and absently stroked his neatly – clipped beard. “We have a ship, apparently in distress; that hasn’t been destroyed. Hasn’t warped away and is nowhere to be seen.”

“I would have said this was a prelude to an ambush, but there is no decoy device here transmitting a false – distress signal. There’s not another vessel within lightyears of our own and nowhere for an opposing force to conceal themselves in normal – space and no indications of an aggressor dropping out of warp. Even if there was, this is a nonsensical location for an ambush – being so far from either a Federation outpost or any Cardassian facility.”

Command Talland shrugged, at a momentarily loss.

Captain Samantha Hyland was silent for a long time, unable to requite the data she was receiving to any logical sequence of events. Eventually she sighed and ordered.

“Mr. Kirov. Stand us down from Yellow Alert. TAC – Stand down weapons systems. Mr. Pennington, resume course to our original heading and take us back to warp. CSO prepare to recall the probe and run a full diagnostic on all data. For the time being, we’ll just have to…” The CO began to issue orders to restore the USS Valley Forge to her assigned patrol route, when she was suddenly interrupted by Deassomi’s enlivened voice.

“Target re-acquired Captain!”

“Range and bearing.” Samantha urged, a worrying feeling growing in her gut.

“Similar spatial plane & heading but……” Lieutenant Commander Dai’s voice petered away.

“Science report!” Samantha snapped tersely.

“Definitely the same target, transmitting an identical Distress – signal, but its range Captain – Sensors confirm that the Target is 372,340,348 AU away – she’s jumped over 55,701,323,236,497,004 Kilometers in just under 6 seconds!” Deassomi’s face was incredulous and pale at the implicit implications.

“That’s impossible!” Samantha breathed.

“No Captain, only highly improbable.” Chimed in Lieutenant Savak, the USS Valley Forge’s Half – Vulcan/Half – Romulan Security Chief, who had remained silent until now – as the situation had not yet demanded her input. Clearly that state of affairs was changing rapidly.

Thank you, Lieutenant. I sit corrected.” Samantha demurred dryly and addressed her XO.

Savak included her head severally but remained otherwise silent.

“Number One, alert Taskforce 72 Command of the unfolding situation and transmit a data – packet with all log and telemetry data we have gathered to date. Advise Command to alert all vessels in the vicinity of this volume of a danger to navigation and potential threat to the integrity of security along the former Demilitarized Zone. Advise Starbase 72 that we are diverting from our assigned patrol – route to further investigate and clarify.”

“Yes Captain.” Daniel Talland was already busying himself at his station and Sam came to appreciate the unflappable nature of her Executive officer and the rapport they had managed to form over the last few months, as they got to know each other’s command – styles.

Dan Talland was a good man to have at your back in a crisis.

“Helm, come about to the new heading and plot a course to intercept. Take us to maximum warp when ready.”

“Aye Skipper!” Ellis Pennington’s practiced hands flowed across the helm controls and the great mass of the Excelsior – II Heavy Cruiser responded to his deft touch once more.

“OPS – Take the ship to Red Alert. All hands to Action Stations. Prepare for Warp.”

“Aye Captain.” Yevgeny went about the task of bringing the entire ship and crew to its most advanced state of readiness as the emergency lighting plunged the bridge into a tense crimson – fugue and the Red Alert sounded urgently throughout the length of the ship.

“TAC – stand up all offensive and defensive systems. I don’t know what we are dealing with here, but if it comes to showing our hand – I want a solid – run of Aces.” Sam asserted with all seriousness of intent.

“Aye Captain. Making ready.” Lieutenant Doucet nodded, martialing up the considerable martial capabilities of the ship.

“Ladies and Gentlemen.” Captain Hyland announced levelly to her Bridge – crew. “We appear to have a “Foo – Fighter” on our hands (referring to the ancient Mid – 20th Century term for an unidentified contact), we’re going to close, engage with our target, verify and respond.”

Sam turned to the helmsman and pointed confidently towards the starfield streaming past the USS Valley Forge on the viewscreen.

“Mr. Pennington – Light her up!”