Part of USS Paramount: S1E6 | Watch Your Back and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Act One: Acknowledged

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Archanis Sector, Federation-Klingon Border, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 0647 hours
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Captain’s Log Stardate 2401.12. The Paramount continues to investigate the derelict wreck of the SS Calgary. We’ve found evidence that the ship has been involved with the Iron Syndicate and presumably the Orion Syndicate as well. It would appear the Calgary was to rendezvous with another ship at this location but from what it seems it wasn’t a friendly encounter.

Lieutenant Zolath stepped into his quarters as he unzipped his jacket pulling it off of him as he threw it on to the chair near him. He wasn’t tired but he needed the seclusion of his quarters to contact someone and he couldn’t risk someone overhearing him.

“Computer play Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana first movement at forty-two percent volume,” he instructed the computer. This should provide a deafening sound to any lurkers.

Zolath walked over to his bed as the music started. He reached underneath and pulled out a case. Inside were trinkets and memorabilia he had collected from his various postings throughout his career. Sticking his hand inside he pushed the trinkets aside to reveal a small handle. As he pulled the handle up he revealed a secret compartment.

‘Where did I put it,’ the Bajoran thought to himself as he moved the stuff around. Before locating a small wooden box. He took it out and opened it. Inside was a Bajoran earring nearly identical to his own. Taking off his current one he placed the one from the box on. ‘Here goes nothing,’ he thought as he pressed the top half of the earring.

“Bishop 2 to Bishop Actual,” he said as the music continued to play in the room as he awaited a response. Static filled his ear and he heard no response. Zolath began to become discouraged. He had hoped that the channel hadn’t been closed but given what’s happened since his assignment he wouldn’t be surprised if it had.

“Bishop 2 to all stations,” he said. He at least needed to speak to one person from his old team. They had to know what had become of their old mission.

“Go for 6,” a masculine voice said over the ear piece. A sense of relief engulfed Zolath as he sighed. He had managed to contact one of his former team members but he needed to speak with their former commander.

“J have you been in contact with actual?” he asked them.

Almost immediately the voice responded, “Negative.”

Zolath shrunk a little as he heard his friends answer. Just as he was about to ask him another question another voice came over the channel.

“This is actual,” a feminine voice said as they came over the ear piece. “All stations need to clear this channel immediately. You are all at risk of blowing your covers.”

“Actual FE has re-emerged,” Zolath said as he rushed to get the words out before she could leave the channel. He needed her to know. At least one person in Starfleet Intelligence needed to know what had become of their mission. The seconds of silence stretched on for what felt like minutes. The music went into its second movement as Zolath waited anxiously for her response.

“Percentage?” they questioned.

“A hundred.”

“Copy 2. Advise when available for an in person.”

“Acknowledged. Will contact you when available. 2 out,” he said before taking the earring off immediately he put everything back as it was. Then through himself back on his bed.

As he laid there he thought about what could have happened that led to the Iron Syndicate’s return. He glanced at the clock. Then he realized that it was 0657. He was about to be late for the staff meeting.

Jumping up he ordered the computer to stop playing music as he ran to grab his jacket off of the chair zipping it up as he stepped into the corridor and marched to the nearest turbolift. The doors had barely opened when he ordered it to take him to the observation lounge.

During the short trip he wondered if anyone could have heard his conversation. As the doors to the observation lounge opened he pushed those thoughts aside.

He stepped into the lounge and saw that everyone aside from Nitus, T’Soni and Hill was already gathered.

Zolath walked to his seat and sat down.

“There he is,” D’Antonio said. The helmsman was always a cheerful man. Some would be annoyed by that but everyone on the Paramount has come to appreciate it. It was a nice distraction from the dangers they would encounter in the galaxy.

“What happened?” Zolath asked, looking at D’Antonio as he was engaged in a conversation with Lieutenant Jackson.

“We were wondering where you were. Usually you would be the first person to be here after breakfast,” Jackson said. The science officer had been in a committed relationship with the flyboy for three months. A lot longer than most of the senior staff thought it would last.

“I had stopped by my quarters,” Zolath said dryly.

D’Antonio and Jackson returned to their conversation as Davidson turned to Zolath. “They lasted a lot longer than any of us expected,” she said in a whispered tone. The chief engineer had betted they would last for two weeks before they would break up.

“I thought they would have broken up at least two months ago,” he admitted in the same hushed tone. “But who knows maybe the commander was right.”

The majority of the staff had betted that they would last less than three months, but Nitus had placed the longest bet. She had said they would last six months.

As they continued to converse the doors to the lounge opened and in walked Nitus, T’Soni and Hill as they made their way to the chairs.

“Hello everyone… again,” Nitus said as she grabbed her chair. Zolath expected they would leave any minute now.

“Captain Jackson has tasked us with following any lead we find and tracking down whatever it was that the Calgary was carrying and to whom they were carrying it to,” Nitus said as she and the others sat down. “He has sent the Tiro to provide resupply and will be here in thirty. During that time I want all departments to prepare for departure.”

Zolath looked around the table. “Did I miss something?” He asked. “Where are we going exactly?”

“The Inketin system,” Commander T’Soni said as she turned to him.

“Isn’t that outside of Federation space and a hub for black market deals?” D’Antonio asked. Although the helmsman was always cheerful he could be cautious when necessary.

“Yes. That’s why the Tiro is on its way. Captain Jackson has also given us permission to form a hazard team for this mission. The Tiro is bringing additional security, tactical and engineering personnel to help bolster our crew,” Nitus said as she looked at D’Antonio then to Zolath. “Lieutenant, prepare to form two hazard teams neither of which you can be on.”

“Yes, Commander,” Zolath said as he looked at her.

“What about engineering resources?” Commander Davidson asked.

“Included in the supply drop will be additional engineering and medical supplies,” Nitus said as he looked at Davidson then to the Trill medical doctor.

They both nodded to her as they looked at the others at the table.

“Is that everything?” Nitus asked them as she looked to everyone else to see if they had any questions. “Okay then, dismissed.”


  • This is like the beginning of a spy mystery, but who is Zolath working for and where are the others he was in contact with. Certainly makes this mission a little different.

    November 8, 2024