Part of USS Edison: The Smuggler’s Gambit

Bait and Switch

Oct 2401
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On the USS Edison the bridge hummed with activity, officers monitoring their systems while AJ  stood at the helm, his brow furrowed in concentration. Today marked a critical turning point in their ongoing investigation into The Broker, the elusive smuggler whose identity had been as slippery as a shadow.

“Commander, we have the latest intel,” Elizabeth said, her voice seemed to hint at frustration and mental exhaustion. She adjusted the display on her console, revealing a list of encrypted messages intercepted from the smuggler’s network. “It appears they are planning a major handoff of stolen Federation tech within the next twenty-four hours.”

“Location?” AJ asked, his tone sharpening as he focused on the screen.

“An abandoned mining station on the outskirts of the Alpha Doradus system,” Elizabeth replied, her eyes focused on the screen in front of her, “I suggest we set up an operation. Maybe, we can finally catch The Broker red-handed.”

“Agreed,” AJ nodded, his determination evident. “Let’s assemble a team. We’ll need to keep our involvement discreet until the right moment.”

As the crew prepared for the operation, Lieutenant Parker flashed a confident grin at her commanding officer. “Just say the word, and I’ll take us in quietly. No one will see us coming.”

“Make sure to keep us out of sight,” AJ placed on hand on her shoulder, “I want to avoid any unnecessary attention, Lieutenant.”

Parker nodded, her adventurous spirit evident. “I’ve got this, Commander. We’ll be ghosts.”

Meanwhile, the Chief Operations Officer monitored the engineering systems from her station. She exchanged a glance with Parker, who leaned back in her chair with an air of excitement. “You’re sure about this?” Nia asked, her voice expressed concern. “It’s risky, and we don’t have solid confirmation of The Broker’s presence.”

“Comes with the territory,” Parker grinned. With enthusiasm, she added, “Besides, when has anything ever gone according to plan?”

Nia sighed but couldn’t help smiling at Parker’s infectious energy. “Just promise me you’ll keep your head in the game.”

“I always do,” Parker replied, winking.

As they plotted their strategy, the ship’s Counselor, observed from the sidelines, her Betazoid senses attuned to the rising tension among the crew. She approached the Executive Officer, “Are you okay, Commander? I can sense your unease.”

“I’m fine,” Elizabeth replied, though her eyes betrayed her. “This mission has a lot at stake. If we fail, it could have serious repercussions.”

Evet said softly. “I don’t need to remind you, that you’ve got a team behind you.”

Elizabeth offered a faint smile, appreciating the support. “Thanks, Massi. I’ll keep that in mind.”

As preparations continued, Lieutenant Talresh zh’Vael offered a suggestion, “We should run simulations to predict the possible outcomes of our ambush. The more data we have, the better.”

“Good thinking, Talresh,” AJ said, glancing at zh’Vael with approval. “Get to it. We’ll need every edge we can get.” They needed every edge possible, AJ wanted to be prepared for every possible.

Hours later, the Edison neared the mining station. AJ stood on the bridge, eyes fixed on the main viewer. The station was a relic from a forgotten time. She was abandoned, crumbling, and quiet. It was the perfect place for a secret meeting, hidden in plain sight. Ships probably passed it every day without sparing it a second glance.

“Lieutenant Parker, take us in,” AJ commanded. “Quiet and careful, Miss Parker.”

Parker’s fingers danced over her console, and the ship slipped into the docking bay without a sound. “We’re in position, Commander. Ready to launch the operation.”

“Team, let’s move,” AJ said, leading the way to the transporter room. Elizabeth, Parker, and Patel followed closely behind, as the transporter beams enveloped them, AJ felt a rush of adrenaline.

 The team materialized in the dimly lit docking bay, dusty air filled the bay. “Stay alert,” AJ instructed, scanning the area for signs of activity.  This wasn’t going to be the Oberon, they were all going home.

They crept through the station, moving quietly toward the meeting point. Parker and Patel covered their flanks, while Elizabeth stayed close to AJ, her eyes flicking between the shadows and the corridors ahead.

Suddenly, they heard voices echoing through the hallways. “We need to move faster! He wants this shipment processed before the deadline.”

Their voices a chill down AJl’s spine, he motioned for the team to halt. “That sounds like our target. We’re close.”

As they moved closer to the source of the voices, Parker began to get ansty, she didn’t like all this shadowy work.  “We should take them by surprise! A quick charge and…”

“Hold it!” AJ barked, holding up a hand. “We need to remain calm and strategize. We’re here to catch The Broker, not to provoke a firefight.”

Elizabeth nodded in agreement, “We need a plan. If we engage them recklessly, we could compromise the entire operation.”

Just then, an alarm echoed through the station, followed by an eerie voice over the comm system. “Attention, Starfleet personnel. Surrender now, and perhaps you’ll live to see another day.”

The team exchanged panicked glances, realization dawning upon them. This was a setup.

“It’s a trap!” Parker exclaimed, her confidence faltering. “We need to get out of here!”

“Fall back!” AJ shouted, but before they could retreat, phaser fire erupted from the shadows. Starfleet uniforms were unmistakable among the attackers. “Starfleet officers?”

“Betrayed,” Elizabeth questioned, quickly activating her phaser. 

AJ’s heart raced as he drew his weapon, his instincts kicking in. “Defend the corridor, we can’t let them get to the Edison!”

As the firefight erupted, Parker engaged with determination, darting around cover to return fire. 

“Massi, keep the rear covered!” Tindal ordered, his voice ringing with authority.

“I’m on it!” Evet responded as she moved to support the team.

The situation rapidly devolved into chaos. AJ fought to keep his composure, issuing commands and directing fire as blaster bolts whizzed past. He could see the fear in his team’s eyes but also their resolve.

Meanwhile, back on the Edison, Ensign Carter was deep in the heart of engineering, faced with an unexpected crisis. Alarms blared, and warning lights flashed around him. The ship’s systems were in disarray as if someone was intentionally sabotaging them.

“Carter to Bridge! I’m detecting several systems on lockdown initiated from an external source!” he shouted into his comm badge, his heart racing as he frantically assessed the damage.

“Carter, we’re under attack!” AJ’s voice crackled over the comm. “We need those systems online, now!”

“I’m on it!” Carter replied, rushing to his console. His fingers flew over the controls as he tried to bypass the lockdown, but each attempt seemed to lead to more issues. “Whoever is doing this is good. I can’t break through!”

“Then find a way!” AJ urged desperation edging into his tone.

As Carter worked, he realized that the lockdown was more than just a maneuver. It was a betrayal, someone was helping the other side. Someone from the Broker’s team had infiltrated the ship, and one of them was on the inside. Panic coursed through him as he remembered an earlier encounter with a seemingly friendly ensign, Ensign Joshua Smythe.

“No,” he murmured, disbelief settling in his gut. “Not him.”

Desperate to find answers, Carter activated a diagnostic tool, searching for any sign of sabotage. The screen flickered, revealing a hidden code. His blood ran cold. It was Smythe’s access code, granting him privileges far beyond an ensign’s station.

Carter dove into the ship’s security systems, fingers flying over the console. “I have to lock this down before it gets any worse,” he murmured, feeling the tension creeping up on him.

Meanwhile, AJ and his team were locked in a brutal fight against the rogue Starfleet officers on the mining station. Phaser fire blazed through the shadows, lighting up the room with each flash, a constant reminder of the high stakes.

“Fall back to the shuttle bay!” Elizabeth yelled, firing at an advancing officer. “We can regroup there!”

As they retreated, AJ’s heart raced with the weight of the situation. Betrayed from within, they were now the hunted. He had to protect his crew, to bring them home safely. He couldn’t loose another command team.

But just as they reached the shuttle bay, the door sealed shut behind them, cutting off their escape.

“Great,” Parker groaned, “Now what?”

“Stay focused!” AJ snapped his mind racing for a solution. “We’re not out of options yet.”

As phaser fire bounced against the walls, AJ caught a glimpse of a control panel near the door. “I’ll override the lock. Cover me!”

He sprinted towards the panel, his fingers working to bypass the lock mechanism. Phaser fire blazed louder behind him, the heat of the fight closing in. “Almost there!” he shouted, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Just as he completed the override, the door started to slide open—but a sharp, searing pain shot through his shoulder. AJ gasped, stumbling forward as he felt something warm seeping from the wound.

“Commander!” Elizabeth cried, rushing to his side.

“Get the others out!” AJ grunted, forcing himself to stand up. “I can hold them off.”

“No way,” Elizabeth insisted, “We’re in this together.”

With the door fully open, AJ turned to see their escape route clear. “Go! Now!” he ordered.

As Elizabeth and Parker hesitated, he pushed them toward the exit, forcing himself to remain upright. “I’ll be right behind you.”

Reluctantly, they stepped through the docking port, knowing they had to prioritize their survival.

AJ looked at his team, fighting against the pain. He had to protect his crew, his team. As the first wave of officers burst through the door, he readied himself for the fight, knowing the odds were against him. But he couldn’t back down, not till his team was safe.

Meanwhile, in engineering, Carter had finally broken through the external lockdown.

“Edison’s systems are coming back online!” he shouted, a rush of relief flooding through him. He could hear AJ’s voice crackling over the comm, urging the team to regroup.

“Carter to the bridge!” he exclaimed, racing back to his console. “I’ve overridden the lockdown!”

“Good work, Carter,” AJ’s voice came through, a note of gratitude breaking through the chaos. “Can you get the transporters operational?”

“Working on it! Just give me a second!” Carter replied.

As he worked frantically, thoughts of betrayal gnawed at him. Smythe’s face flashed through his mind, and the bitter truth hit him: the enemy wasn’t just out there—it was one of their own.

Back at the mining station, AJ held his ground, trading fire with the rogue officers. His team had already made their escape, but he was determined to secure their retreat. With each shot, adrenaline surged, pushing him to keep them safe, no matter the cost.

Then, he saw him—a familiar figure among the attackers: Ensign Smythe. The traitor’s face twisted into a smug grin as he locked eyes with AJ.

“I’ve been waiting for this, Commander,” Smythe taunted, his phaser aimed right at AJ. “You’ve always been a thorn in my side.”

“Why?” AJ demanded, his voice edged with anger. “What could possibly be worth this?”

“Power, Commander. The chance to break free from Starfleet’s mediocrity,” Smythe sneered. “You’ll understand soon enough.”

Before AJ could reply, a blast rang out, and pain exploded through his chest. He stumbled back. He focused on the sound of footsteps, feeling the approach of reinforcements as he fought against the haze.

“Commander, we’re here!” Elizabeth’s voice pierced through the pain. With a surge of strength, AJ raised his weapon and returned fire, the fight igniting within him once more. He would not go down without a fight.

In engineering, Carter worked, finally gaining control of the transporters. “Edison, this is Carter! Transporters are back online. Standby for beam-out!” he called, knowing the Commander and the team needed immediate extraction.

“Carter, we’re pinned down! We need a quick pickup!” AJ shouted over the comm, his voice strained.

“Just a moment!” Carter replied, his heart pounding in his chest. “I’ve got you!”

Just as AJ thought they were cornered, a shimmer of light enveloped him and his team.

“Energizing!” Carter’s voice echoed in his ear, and within moments, they were back on the bridge of the Edison, breathless and battered.

“Status report!” AJ ordered, his focus shifting to the chaos around him.

“Enemies are still present in the station,” Parker responded, her voice urgent. “We need to secure it.”

“On it!” Carter replied, refocusing his efforts on the systems. “I’m locking onto the enemies and preparing to engage.”

“Prepare for countermeasures!” AJ commanded, determination burning in his eyes. “We’ll show them that Starfleet doesn’t back down.”

As the USS Edison powered up, ready to reclaim itself, AJ prepped for the fight ahead. They had to face their enemies, not just the rogues on the mining station but also the lurking threat of betrayal from within.