Part of USS Denver: Mission 8: War Drums

Echos: The Past Meets The Present

USS Denver
December 19, 2374
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Ming’s Quarters

Marcus had packed a duffle bag with plans to head back to sector 001 to see his folks and his unofficial brother Joel.  He zipped it closed and walked over to the wall with an exterior view.  He tiled his head and watched the planet Vulcan rotate under the starship Denver.  He slowly inhaled, held it for approximately a second before an equally slow exhale.  He did that a few times relaxing both his body and mind.

He continued to watch the motion of the planet below (and the ships motion he knew) as he did his version of a on the fly meditation.  He still had an odd feeling which he could not shake.  That, in and of itself, was a worry point. While this kind of relaxation didn’t always clear things out that weren’t true there was a better than 65/35  chance it was based in reality.

He continued to stare at the planet below for a long moment trying to decide on his next move.  After a long moment, he tapped his combadge and said, “Ming to XO.  Commander, do you have a moment?”

Riandri was making her rounds of the ship when her combadge chimed and Ming’s voice came over the coms. She tapped the device and quickly responded, “I do, shall we meet in my office? I will be there in about five minutes.”

“Sounds good.  I’ll head over immediately.  See you in a few moments,” Ming replied.

Riandri turned and started to make her way towards her office in the intelligence suit. She couldn’t help but wonder what Ming wanted to talk about.

Marcus left his quarters and made way for Cmdr Nalam’s office.  He wondered how he was going describe his reasoning for the decision he made but he’d have to think fast for that.   A moment or two later he was there.  He activated the chime hoping he hadn’t beaten her there.

Riandri had just grabbed a coffee from the replicator when the door chimed. As she sat at her desk she activated the door, “Come on in Ming.”

Marcus entered as bidden and offered the XO a lopsided smile.  He made it to the front of the desk, stiffened to attention for a brief moment, after that moment passed he relaxed and said, “Thanks for seeing me.  XO is a title that fits you I think.  You seem to fit in well, temporary role or not.”

Riandri sipped her coffee and returned a genuine smile, “Thank you. I appreciate that. The role was unexpected but one that I am enjoying.” She waved her hand towards the replicator, “Would you like a drink?”

“I have to say you piqued my curiosity with your message, what was it you wanted to speak about?” Riandri asked.

Ming gave the XO something of a lopsided grin as he regarded her momentarily.  He then said, “I am cancelling my leave plans to return to Sector 001 due to one of my ‘hunches.’”

“Oh,” Riandri said with curiosity.

He took a deep breath and released it slowly, then said, “I feel like I need to stay close to home, as it were, so I will remain on Denver or visit Vulcan. If there’s anything that requires escort or interception, I, T’Kown as well as any remaining Knights will be on it.  I trust that is ok with you.”

She nodded as she spoke, “As always your leave is yours to take but with the current state of the Federation having you close to the ship is appreciated. I have not heard of any intel to make me think anything may be happening but I am curious about your hunch. Anything in particular you are concerned about?”

Marcus looked thoughtful for a moment, picking his words as he did so.  He said, “My first assignment out of the Academy was on the USS Churchill.  Within the first few days I met a half Betazoid / half Denobulan member of the flight crew.  It was love at first sight.  Her natural talent being half Betazoid managed to mesh well with my Esper abilities.  It’s not something I can often use with non-telepathic species outside of emergency or high stress situations.  It’s also not very long range most of the time.  Despite that I’ve been feeling …. something of a psychic pressure over the past day or so.  It’s generic enough I can’t say what it means but it feels like Nina.  I know her psychic embrace better than the back of my hand.”

Riandri listened patiently and could understand the agitation she felt within Ming, “So you think she is on the Vulcan? Though I gather there is a bit more to this, what happened between the two of you?”

Ming tilted his head a bit and said, “What happened?  The needs of the Federation Starfleet.   We met on the USS Churchill when I was a wet behind the ears pilot and she was a Petty Officer pretty much running the flight bay.   Unusual given our roles but I think it was love at first sight.  It’s the relationship I compare all relationships to.  Once I hit a year in the service the USS Tucson was short a pilot and they were rotating another fresh pilot from the academy.  She was transferred not long after and I can only assume it involved black ops because I got a message saying she’d be out of touch a bit and I lost all track of her.”

The Knight’s CO sighed and continued, “I’m not bitter.  The Dominion was a growing threat, she’s one of the best mechanics in the fleet on top of being half Betazoid and Half Deobulan with the telepathic ability of a full blooded Betazoid…I didn’t say that by the way….”

Marcus gave Commander Nalam a lopsided smile as he added that last part.  He then continued, “While I have a strong ESPer gene for a human it’s irratic as hell.  Extreme stress or fear is usually how it manifests.  An occasional mostly vague preminition.  I can easily connect with telepaths.  Vulcans, Betazoids, often enough other strong human espers in my experience.  It’s rare and I’m grateful for it. It saves complications I’ve felt.”

“Anyway, I don’t think she’s on Vulcan yet….She’s hyper focused on the planet leading me to believe she’s inbound.  And for her to be broadcasting as loud and far as she is something is fantastically wrong.  I think it’s our link that is particularly amplifies the feelings.  That is the ONLY excuse for something that couldn’t happen within my other experiences.  Our Vulcan pilot, T’kown, hasn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary which makes me suspect what I do on that matter.”

Riandri nodded in understanding, “Telepathic abilities do have their fun quirks and can make things complicated for sure. I have had to deal with them myself.” She leaned back and pulled up the schedule of ship that were inbound to Vulcan, “There are a number of ships, including several fleet carriers, that are currently scheduled to arrive in the next couple of days.” She paused and looked back up at Ming, “I get the sense this is more than a leave request. If it were it would been approved by your CO without issue as we have told everyone to get some R&R…..” She left her thought unfinished, curious as to what Ming was after.

“As a department head, even a smaller department, I may be able to take it up with Captain Talon, however, I am coming to you, as the intelligence officer as well as executive officer and….well, you being whom you are…You would be most likely to understand where my reasoning comes from,” Ming said probing as much as explaining.

He continued, “It’d also be useful to know if any ships are inbound either from Betazoid directly or else harbouring passengers who’ve managed to slip through enemy lines.  T’kown is with family on Vulcan but has agreed to fly with me if any such circumstance arises.  The rest of my squadron is headed toward sector 001 or else Andoria.  I’d not mind exploring Vulcan a bit more either way.  Having lived nearly if not directly adjacent to the four major deserts of the North American Southwest I have developed a bit of a fascination with similar environments.  Not quite an ideal vacation spot for me but an educational foray can be entertaining either way just in case it’s hurry up and wait.”

After a pause of a heartbeat, he added, “The passenger in question would be Kannia Chasu…She’d be a Petty Officer by now at least.  Just over a meter and a half of Denobulan/Betazoid no nonsense attitude I’d wager to bet.”

Riandri nodded, “Let me see what I can find out for you. Given the mess of things, I wouldn’t be surprised if several ships have passengers who made it out from Dominion-held territories. If you give me a few hours I will send out some messages.”

Marcus’ features softened some and he even smiled slightly as he nodded.  He said,”I’d be grateful.  I’ll be close by if needed.  Ens. T’kown has agreed to remain on standby as well.  McPherson and Abara opted to return to Earth and Mars respectively.  Sh’iv and Ms. Murphy haven’t submitted any plans to me but irregardless I think T’Kown and I will be up for any escorts deemed necessary.   If Sh’iv and Murphy are on board even better.”

“I cannot see there being any issue for the time being. The local defence fleet is handling most of the escort missions but if you like I can add those on your team still here onto the rota,” Riandri remarked.

Ming’s face adopted something between the look of a predator and the cat that ate the canary.  He said, “Understood. If it okay with you I would like permission to request priority on any queries that are more anomalous over the other fighter teams.  If there is something that is uncertain but potentially friendly I want it.  Most of the time I am happy to not be overly picky.  This an exception to the rule if that is alright.”

Riandri nodded, “I will see what we can do about that though I don’t think it will be an issue.”

Nodding, Ming replied, “Thank you.   I do very much appreciate your assistance on the matter.  I do not have anything else for you at the moment I don’t think.”

Riandri nodded, “The door is always open. I will get back to you shortly with any information I can find.”