Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Luna: Rest and Relaxation

The Crew of the Luna relax and repair their ship

Mission Description

The Crew of the Luna relax and repair their ship.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

2 August 2024

A Shotgun Wedding

USS Luna: Rest and Relaxation

—- Starbase 86 —- The mission failing had been nothing compared with the larger issue that it seemed that the new found access to underspace was gone, and that the Federation was now once more cut off from that way of travel and exploration. It did not thus fall solely on Commander Olivia [...]

28 July 2024

Commander’s Log

USS Luna: Rest and Relaxation

Commander’s Log Supplemental.   We are returning to Starbase 86 in the runabout Apollo after failing in our secondary mission. I’ve already filed the reports with Starfleet, but should commit it to my log while the memory is fresh in my mind. It was my fourth mission through the corridor [...]

27 July 2024

Last Minute Heroics

USS Luna: Rest and Relaxation

—- Runabout Apollo Mission Briefing —- The question took longer to arrive than Commander Olivia Carrillo had anticipated, and it was Chief Intelligence Officer Lieutenant Commander Jack Dornall who asked it, and he was not a man who had a reputation for not wanting to antagonize the [...]

27 July 2024

Impossible Odds Are Impossible

USS Luna: Rest and Relaxation

—- Starbase 86, Operations – Tharc’s Office —-   “My ship keeps getting broken,” groused the engineering officer. Commodore Ciffao Tharc looked cross as she snapped at Lieutenant Commander James Young, “It’s Starfleet’s ship not yours.” Commander Olivia Carrillo tried [...]