
Profile Overview

Bryan Cash

Terran Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Cash


Bryan Angelus Cash



Commanding officer of the third starship to bear the name USS Venture Star. Born in the 2360’s aboard the starship Horizon to then Admiral Bryan Cash and Bettina Davies.

Personality & Traits
His strengths lie in his engineering and piloting skills. Often called cocky and brash in his youth Bryan has matured into a seasoned starship commander.


Personal History A Starfleet brat, Bryan was born to Admiral Bryan Cash and Bettina Davies-Cash. Bryan grew up on a multitude of Starbases and ships.

Initially idealizing his father, eventually young Bryan grew to resent his famous parent and at the urging of his mother spent a great deal of time on Earth in the desert southwest with her family.

It was there that Bryan gained a love of the west and horses and an unusual ancient west way of speaking. A run in with local law enforcement led Bryan to having to choose between time in a rehab colony or enrolling in Starfleet Academy.

He chose the Aademy.
Service Record 2377-Starfleet Academy
2381: Assigned USS Halliwell conn officer
2384: Assigned to USS Montana as Second officer
2387: Assigned to USS Frontier as XO
2389: Promoted assigned new USS Venture Star

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2381 - 2383 Conn officer USS Halliwell
2384 - 2386 Second XO USS Montana
2387 - 2389 Executive Officer USS Frontier