Peldun is an even-tempered Romulan who transferred to Starfleet after the destruction of his home planet. Rumor has it he had been a high-ranking member of the Tal Shiar, though naturally there’s no official record of that in his file. Peldun is a highly competent Starfleet officer, with an incredible talent for approaching problems from unusual (and sometimes devious) angles.
Peldun’s appearance is unremarkable in every way. He is 5’11” with short black hair that he keeps slicked back. His eyes are a dark green color. His build is that of someone who lifts regularly, but doesn’t watch what they eat. When not in uniform, he dresses in fairly bland clothing, using muted earth tones. Peldun is easily lost in a crowd; a forgettable face without any distinguishing features. Lacking the forehead ridges of Romulan “northerners,” one could mistake him for human if his ears are covered.
Peldun tends to be distrustful of everyone he meets until they prove themselves to him-though he won’t advertise this-, refusing to give the benefit of the doubt. He tends towards a cautious approach to all situations, both professional and personal, preferring to collect as much data as possible before acting. Peldun is always cool and collected under pressure, and speaks only enough to convey information as required. Coworkers have initially described him as cold and off-putting, however over time, many have revised their statement to instead say he’s simply 100% work-oriented, unyielding in this regard. Off duty, Peldun adopts a more aloof affectation. He always seems to engage enough to pass “social inspection,” and little more. Most of his Starfleet colleagues simply chalk it up to the awkwardness of being one of the few Romulans in the fleet; especially after recent intergalactic events.
According to Starfleet records, Peldun Aldiib served the Romulan Star Empire as a military officer for 30 years. His service record is remarkably ordinary, having slowly moved up the ranks, occasionally given a new assignment every few years. Peldun’s military service jacket shows no demerits, and very few commendations. He was apparently involved in the final years of the Norkan Campaign, as his ship is known to be involved in several recorded battles in that region.
During the temporary military alliance between the Federation and Romulan Star Empire during the Dominion war, records are a little more clear, as ship positioning and death tolls were shared fairly readily. Peldun was a subcommander onboard the Dividices from 2373-2375. He reportedly briefly took command during the first battle of Chin’toka, when his commanding officer was killed in the first Dominion volley. Instead of being given permanent command, however, his CO was replaced after the battle and Peldun remained as the apparent XO.
RSE military records after the Romulan star went supernova in 2387 are spotty at best. Peldun’s activities from 2387-2395 are not on Federation record. In 2395, seemingly out of the blue, Peldun applied to Starfleet as a transfer. After thorough review, Peldun Aldiib was accepted under the rank of Lieutenant Commander, pending promotion after a trial period.
In 2396, Peldun was assigned to the USS Vail, as a tactical officer. Over the course of the next 5 years, Peldun earned the trust and respect of both his XO and CO, who diligently reported all of Peldun’s activities and involvements to StarFleet Command. Peldun’s XO took him under his wing, entering him into the command track. By 2398, Peldun had earned the rank of Commander and the trust of Starfleet.
note: Starfleet Intelligence has a separate file on Peldun Aldiib, detailing several known Tal Shiar operations in which Peldun Aldiib is believed to have been involved. This file contains commentary that describes Peldun as highly intelligent, guileful, and willing to kill. It also suggests his personal moral code may be somewhat lacking, compared to that demanded of Starfleet officers. Despite his suspected former status in the Tal Shiar, none of the listed operations were against Starfleet or the Federation, so he was permitted to commission.
Service Record
Date | Position | Posting | Rank |
2373 - 2375 | XO | Dividices |
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2396 - 2401 | Tactical Officer | USS Vail |
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2401 - Present | XO | USS Truckee |
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