Kim Rakes is an inventor. She loves to tinker on anything she can get her hands on. Growing up on Mars, her early history education sparked an interest in environmental engineering. Graduated the Academy with a degree in engineering, specializing in planetary terraforming. Rakes loves to see alien technology, so she volunteers for any away mission that will show her something new. She served with Marcus Beardsly when he was her XO onboard the USS Ulysses, and when Beardsly got command of the USS Truckee, he brought Rakes with him as the new Chief Engineer. She is a bit young for the position, leading to some occasional friction with older engineers, but Rakes is more than qualified and willing to prove it.
Rakes is tall, standing at 5’11”. She has a full head of voluminous, dirty blond hair, and brown eyes. When not in uniform, she typically dresses as casually as possible – jeans and a t-shirt will suffice.
Kim Rakes has a keen intellect and an inquisitive nature. She loves to learn, and welcomes any opportunity to further her knowledge. Her sarcastic sense of humor has been known to get her into hot water with the chain of command from time to time.
Kim Rakes comes from a long line of tinkerers. If she didn’t know any better, she’d swear it was genetic. She grew up on Earth, working in her parents’ repair shop as soon as she could hold a soldering iron. Went to trade school for electronics repair, took over the shop when her parents both passed from cancer. She thought she’d spend her life there, in the same town she’d grown up in, until one day someone brought in a piece of technology she’d never seen before: it was Klingon. The next day she filled out her application to Starfleet Academy.
After graduation, Kim Rakes was assigned to the USS Geronimo as a junior engineer. She worked diligently to prove her worth. It wasn’t difficult for her, she had a knack for repair, but she longed for more alien tech to explore!
Rakes’ next position on the USS Ulysses offered her more of the opportunities she’d sought. Her boss, the chief engineer, hated leaving the ship, so he let Rakes go on every away mission. Rakes was instrumental in saving the away team from certain death on more than one occasion, having to decrypt some alien code or repair some ancient technology. She earned her XO’s respect and friendship over the course of many mishaps, and when he finally got a command of his own, he took LT Rakes with him.
Rakes is now the chief engineer of the USS Truckee, a tiny little California-class.
Service Record
Date | Position | Posting | Rank |
2397 - 2399 | Junior Engineer | USS Geronimo |
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2399 - 2401 | Engineer | USS Ulysses |
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2401 - Present | Chief Engineer | USS Truckee |
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